
I'm standing on the terrace, looking out over Madrid as the sunset paints the town in a golden red light. Lifting the glass with rum to my lips, sipping it slowly, licking my lips as I feel the drops of golden liquid burn my throat as I swallow it, I take in the magnificent view. It's getting chilly, so I close the balcony windows and pull the big fluffy bath robe tighter, when I suddenly sense you behind me. You wrap your hand around my waist, kissing my neck, whispering in my ear: "Enjoying the view? Keep looking." As you lightly graze the side of my neck with your teeth, I feel the… Přečíst více

Autor Jemahs před 2 měsíce/ů 4

Sunday morning

It's Sunday morning. As I slowly come to, I hear the raindrops hitting the roof, creating an almost musical melody. Stretching like a cat, I let out a sound of contentment as I arch my back. Feeling the sleep that still lingered leave my aching limbs. "Good morning" I hear a husky voice say next to me. "Glad you finally woke up, you sleeping beauty you." As I look over at the man next to me, I see him watching me quietly amused. His hair's dishevelled, he has a 3 o'clock shadow, and no clothes on. Add his calm ascertiveness. "So damn sexy" I think quietly to myself. My… Přečíst více

Autor Jemahs před 2 měsíce/ů 1

Dominant vs Domineering

DOMINANT Someone who is in control in a positive and assertive way. Means having power and influence over others in a confident and assertive manner. A dominant person is someone who is able to take charge/control and make decisions WITHOUT being overbearing or aggressive. In a romantic relationship, being dominant can be a desirable trait for some people, indicating confidence and strength. A dominant partner may be seen as strong, confident, and able to take charge. DOMINEERING Someone who is in control in a negative and oppressive way. Means exerting control over others… Přečíst více

Autor Jemahs před 2 měsíce/ů 2

More than Default Collection ?

FYI - my job is to organize information, hence I don't just do Default Collection. So if you're using the mobile version of XH? You need to scroll down on the menu to see all of my favourite video folders. Just a suggestion ;-)… Přečíst více

Autor Jemahs před 3 roky/let 4

XH used to be so much fun ?

To think of different settings and poses for one's images used to be so much fun. To upload my pictures and other erotic images and curate those folders, was so much fun! To read the comments on one's pics and interact through them were so much fun. I hate that XH has taken that fun away, by taking down the photo upload option. It has been a month now, the excuse of it being a server problem stopped being plausible after a week since we all know it's connected to PH's problem with the conservative religious movement forcing the credit companies into ostracizing porn sites. And to… Přečíst více

Autor Jemahs před 3 roky/let 5

Don't be pushy ✋?

Some days, one does not feel like chatting. Some days one just wants to read notifications, and watch porn. Get it? So even if it says I'm online, it doesn't mean I'm ready to go all Chatty Cathy with you. If I don't respond immediately to messages, it might be because: * I'm not in a chatty mood * Busy with uploading stuff, reading notifications, leaving comments and more * Watching videos Or I simply just forgot to log out... Respect it guys, otherwise - "You shall not PASS!" (said with a booming voice) In other words, you will get booted if I think you're becoming a nuisance. M'ka… Přečíst více

Autor Jemahs před 3 roky/let 8