Fucked at the Rodeo

A few years ago I went to the United States for a holiday (vacation) on my own. Having flown to Phoenix I joined a bus tour which took our group on a tour of the American national parks.

One of our overnight stops was at Jackson Hole where I took a local bus to visit the local rodeo. I wore my ripped Levi jeans and my checked red blue and white plaid shirt to blend in with the local fashion, my shirt open to the navel and my sleeves rolled up high to make the most of the hot sunshine and get a tan, but with my collar turned up to protect my neck which burns easily. I didn't have cowboy boots or a Stetson so I wore trainers and a peaked cap instead. A chunky chavvy chain around my neck completed my casual look as I chewed on some gum and I felt pretty good.

There was a handful of local cowboys and cowgirls on the local bus, but I noticed a cowboy chewing gum across the aisle from me who kept looking at me and then he started to massage his groin through his jeans. He seemed to like the look of me so I turned enough for him to see my nipples where my shirt flared open, and I winked at him to tease him. The bulge in his crotch twitched, his mouth opened a little and he licked his lips. He was younger than me, pretty good looking with shoulder length blonde hair, and he was wearing the proper cowboy gear, boots, Stetson, plaid shirt and denim jeans. My kind of guy. My own jeans started to bulge in my lap too.

Then the bus reached the stop for the rodeo so I got up and stepped down onto the ground. As I started to walk along the rough ground between the road and the fence I looked back and noticed the horny cowboy had also got off and he was following close behind me. I was going to ask directions but didn't get a chance to speak cos he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me into a passionate snog while his other hand unzipped his flies. Breaking off the snog he pulled at the upturned collar of my shirt to pull me down onto my knees in front of him and his cock had sprung up just in front of my face. I opened my mouth to lick his gorgeous bell end and he thrust his cock hard into my face, grunting as he ground his member right to the back of my throat, choking me. My eyes watered but I loved the rough treatment, he still held my collar tightly as he face fucked me, and his cock tasted filthy, salty and had a delicious tang. 'You fucking slut' he grunted 'I'm gonna fuck your brains out'. 'Mmmph' I said, which meant yes please, and I grabbed his denim clad arse to hold him closer.

A passing car sounded it's horn at us so we shuffled along to a nearby bush which screened us from the road. The interruption meant I could breathe again and when we reached the bush he grappled with my flies and pulled down my jeans. Instantly my big cock flew up but he didn't seem to notice, he just spun me around, bent me over and entered my arse with his own desperate cock. A little pain as he first went in, then he was there, thrusting for all he was worth, with a hand reaching around me to grasp at my own big hard cock. 'Fuck me cowboy' I panted 'Fuck me hard you bastard' and he just grunted animal noises as he banged away, holding my cock in one hand and holding tight to the back of my shirt with the other. 'You fucking slut' he grunted 'You fucking chav slut' until with a groan he finally came in my arse. He slowed down the thrusts, but his cock stayed hard as he kept banging inside me at a slower pace. I was getting frantic by now and wanted to fuck his arse, my cock was hard in his grasp but I needed more.

Then he pulled at my shirt to spin me around so his cock was again in my face. Now it was filthy with my shit as well as his cum, he thrust it in my gob again. It was delicious and I sucked greedily on the filthy sauce while he again held me there by my shirt collar. Now his other hand had balled into a fist and he was punching me in the ribs while I sucked his stiff cock. 'Mmm fuck, yeah' I murmured through mouthfuls of flesh, and he punched harder and fucked my face with renewed energy. 'Fucking chav slut' he grunted 'I'm gonna punch your fucking head in, cunt' and I came, spunk flying over his jeans where he knelt on the ground. He grunted and shot another load in my mouth, pulling out to spunk over my plaid shirt, all over the front, decorating my chest and my chunky neck chain. 'Fuck!' he cried 'Fuck that was good, and he staggered to his feet, pulling up his jeans as he did so.

I realised he was leaving so I grabbed him from behind, knocking him forward to the ground, pulled down his Levis again and rammed my cock deep into his arse. 'Aaaargh!' he screamed and I held him by his shirt and fucked his arse the way he'd just been fucking mine. 'Fuck off!' he cried 'Don't raape my arse you fucking cunt' and I punched him in the side of the head to shut him up and kept thrusting my meat into his tight arse. 'You fucking bastard' he cried, and he whimpered all the time I thrust deep into him, until finally I exploded with lust a second time and filled him with my cum. Loads of spunk which oozed out as I withdrew to moisten the waistband of his jeans down by his knees.

'Now you can go' I said 'so fuck off' and he stumbled to his feet, pulled up his jeans and headed back towards the bus stop. 'Bastard' he cried out 'I'll come back and find you later tonight, and I'll bring my mates'. 'Good' I replied 'The more the merrier' and I started to look for the entrance to the rodeo field. The last I saw of him was as he got onto the bus which had just pulled up.

I'd arrived too early for the evening's entertainment, so I skirted the compound and found a side gate that wasn't locked and entered without paying at the main entrance.

I sidled past the cattle pens where the bulls were resting in the mid afternoon sunshine, mostly lying down in the hot sun. As I continued I found myself under the tiered seating where the banks of wooden seats offered cool shade underneath. I could see there were marquees on the other side of the arena, and I could see some cowboys over there riding a Bucking Bronco and yelling encouragement to each other. I quietly made my way around towards them to watch, while being careful to remain out of sight.

It as a difficult challenge to ride the artificial bull which bucked and span and reared up with increasing speed as the rider tried to remain in the saddle. While the riders clung on the other cowboys laughed jeered and gave cat calls until they finally flew off and landed hard on the ground to a cheer. One sexy cowboy after another rode the bull, their shirts wide open and their sleeves rolled up past the elbow to improve their tans and to help cope with the heat. 'Yeehah!' they would yell and as they crashed to the floor they would stagger to the back to watch the next rider. Then a big man in a plain black shirt stepped up, bronzed muscles bulging in his arms, his six pack an impressive display on his hairy chest, a black hat and dark stubble on his chin. He looked about 25 and very fit.

The guy in black lasted longer than his mates, spinning so his shirt flew behind him like a black flag, sweating as he rode the bull, until finally he too hit the deck. As he got up to his feet the next rider was moving up to take his turn, but the guy in black slipped out the end of the marquee to head towards the beer tent. One of the watching guys followed him, a fallen rider in a red and black shirt.

I thought a beer would be a good way to pass the time until the rodeo was due to start so I headed off in that direction too. I walked the longer route to the bar from where I had been watching, but as I entered the beer tent I found it empty and the bar was closed. I then heard some odd noises coming from behind the tent and went to investigate. As I peeked around the end of the canvas I stopped in my tracks. The cowboy in the red and black checked shirt was kneeling down giving the guy in black a blow job. The guy in black had grabbed the other guy by the hair, his head was thrown back with his eyes closed and he was grunting with pleasure as he thrust his cock eagerly. Fuck! those guys were horny! My cock sprang up and strained at my jeans so I had to unzip my fly to relieve the discomfort. My hand took my engorged cock and started to work it as I watched the free show. I grunted with pleasure and the cowboys suddenly stopped and looked at me. 'Fuck! There's a peeping Tom' said the cocksucker, eying my cock 'And he seems to be enjoying the show!' 'Fuck' said the stud in black 'Look at his big cock' and they rushed over and grabbed me by my open shirt, still wet with the previous cowboys cum.

The stud then knelt and took my cock into his mouth while his mate grabbed me from behind and freed his own cock from his jeans to probe my arse and force it's way in. I was in fucking ecstasy, being fucked by the cowboy in the red and black shirt while getting a blow job from the horny young stud. His hat had fallen on to his back and I grabbed him by his thick dark hair as I fucked his face, and he sucked and bit and groaned and pulled. I leered at these horny cowboy studs fucking crazy with lust, wanting my cock and my arse.

The guy behind me groaned and bucked and shot his load in my arse, then withdrew to try to turn his attention back to his mate's cock, still swollen and huge as he gobbled on my cock. I pulled his hair and held up his shirt collar as I thrust furiously, then I shot my load down his throat, pulling out to shoot more spunk over his face, over his black shirt front and over his sleeves where they were rolled up on his muscular biceps. I leaned down to lick my cum off his shirt but he grabbed me by my shirt and kissed me hard in the mouth. Meanwhile his mate was licking up some of the cum and my hands had found somebody's hard cock and grabbed it. It belonged to the stud in black and I took it eagerly in my mouth, amazed at how big it was, and it tasted filthy. Now he held me by the hair and it was his turn to fuck my face. The other guy had gone behind him to fuck his arse and was calling him a fucking cunt as he fucked him for all he was worth. He clearly enjoyed it because he thrust wildly, grunting and cursing, pulling my hair and then punching me in the side of my head. 'Slut' he groaned 'Fucking slut' as he punched and pulled and thrust and punched again. I reached up and squeezed his nipple and he cried out and shot his load in my mouth, pulling out to soak my shirt and my chunky neck chain with more cum, filling the links.

With that a tannoy message suddenly rang out 'Five minutes' - a warning that the gates were soon to be opened to the public.

'Shit' he muttered as he stood up and pulled up his jeans, his mate also backed off and adjusted his jeans, although nobody bothered to button their shirts. All our clothing was now covered with the fluids of passion, and as it dried the black shirt would show these stains quite clearly. I decided to look out for those souvenir marks later when he rode in the show.

'Right you slut' he said to me, we gotta go and get ready for the rodeo now, but we ain't finished with you yet. You just watch the show and then after come and find us behind the beer tent again. This time there will be more of us that need your cock, and you'd better be there. If you don't show up we'll come looking for you, and if we have to come and find you we won't be happy and we'll treat you really rough. We'll punch your fucking head in and gang raape you until you beg for mercy.

'OK' I said 'I'll be there', but I was secretly planning to hide under the tiered seating so they would have to come and find me. I love a bit of rough. I wanted them to use their fists.

And they did.
Zveřejnil(a) FarkingSlut
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Fuckin dirty & fuckin hot. I'm hard as fuck now xx