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Zrzka hrbí ruce a cumming

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        Všechny Komentáře (42)

        Přihlaste se nebo se Registrujte abyste mohli komentovat!

        před 4 lety
        WOW!!! This is exactly the same similar thing I do too, I am glad to see I am not the only woman out there who does this. Thanks for shearing!!
        před 3 lety
        BubbyJoey6969, for as long as I can possibly remember, I have never relied on the use of a pillow or something more with a hump for friction in order to get off. Since the very beginning or since I can remember I have found just using both my hands provides the all necessary friction I need to get off with. I don't know about girls always like humping your leg or whatever, but to answer question, are they trying to get off like Alaska here, probably so, girls love to hump all sorts of things.
        před 3 lety
        Dani Rae Diamond, I am glad to hear that, its great to meet someone who also does the same technique since they began masturbating, myself especially. I am also glad to hear you still continue to do it, I would very much love to see a video of that.
        před 8 lety
        Dear lord this is hot! Who the heck would downvote this?!
        před 1 lety
        She made absolutely no noise like it was silent as hell
        před 3 lety
        I wouldn't, I do a similar technique to this one, she a girl of my own heart.
        před 7 lety
        You have a nice ass
        před 3 lety
        She does indeed, its very similar to mine.
        před 3 lety
        I used to hide under my bed and hand hump until orgasm all the time in my . It's fun and feels awesome.
        před 1 lety
        It is fun I do the same. Earth shattering orgasms
        před 3 lety
        Me too, I do a similar technique to this one, I totally agree, it feels awesome and it is indeed lots of fun too. Although I didn't hide under my bed to hand hump, I just hid in my room with the door closed and locked or if I had the whole house to myself I would find a nice quiet place with a carpeted floor somewhere to hump my hands, yes, both of them, just like Alaska is doing with hers but with a slight difference however. I would just lay there and hump away until orgasm or mum arrived home
        před 7 lety
        *whispers* What's your gamer tag?
        před 3 lety
        I don't think she has one.
        před 8 lety
        she is fucking gorgeous
        před 3 lety
        She is indeed, I would love to hump with her anytime!!!!!!
        před 3 lety
        I thought I was the only one doing this! I'm so relieved
        před 3 lety
        Her hands are right on her clit and the weight of her body makes the sensations more intense. Now I put my Magic Wand on the bed and straddle my clit over it for the most intense orgasms.
        před 3 lety
        You're absolutely right, that's exactly what she is doing, with both her hands right on her clit plus the weight of her body makes the sensations more intense, you should try it yourself sometime, works for me, I should know because I do a similar technique to this one.
        před 6 lety
        you need to put in your fingers
        před 3 lety
        Oh no, that would ruin the whole experience for her, I do a similar technique to this one and I never put my fingers in, and I still get earthshattering orgasms from it.
        před 7 lety
        My dick is so hard watching you twist your sexy ass and pussy.

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