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Man it has been a long time

We are finally a family again. Kelly, amanda and I are having a wonderful time we wnet to Hedo III just got back and are going to take a couple of months to get back into the swing of things again. The girls are not going back on the road until late September but Kelly wants to take a shift or two at the Pink Pony with mandy.
I am just glad to have both of my girls back and can finally rest. Over the timewe all grew spiritually, emotionally and found that our family is what means the most to us above all ellse. Kelly and I will offically collar mandy this month and plan a plural marriage for September.
I am the happiest and luckiest man on the face of the earth. I hope everyone enjoys the new pictures and if you are in the Atlanta area and want extra kinky play. We welcome single guys but please do not contribute to the stereo type.
The family
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WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly has finally been moved into a facility in GA she is about an hour away so no big deal. mandy is so happy the girl is walking on cloud nine. To be perfectly hinest I am too. We were able to visit her and just being able to hug her I almost broke her into. LOL mandy almost got us thrown out she Kelly.

Kelly looks good she has let her hair grow and she was a little upset she was telling us about her lover in the Canadian facility. Her lover there is not set for release for 2 more years. Kelly definately wants to maintain contact with her, she only has 9 more months left then she is back home. mandy and I were kidding her as to whether she would take a lover inside since it was such a short time or if she would just get a girl or some random pussy. Right now she is leaning towards the random pussy angle. She wants to find a girl close to her release date and just fuck when it is ok.

I can't wait to stick my cock in her and mandy definately misses Kelly restraining her and giving her a good fisting; I try but my hands and wrists are too big and it takes forever to fist mandy's ass. Well I am off for now have a great day.

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Thank goodness

We finally got the Okay for the transfer for Kelly to be moved to a facility in Georgia. They said it was being done as a compassionate pre release. To be candid mandy and I do not care we just want to be able to see our girl more. There is also a chance for an expedited release based on the level of occupation at the facility that she is placed in Georgia. So with some good luck she will be out in 8-14 months at the max.

Thanks to everyone who helped, wrote, supported us. For everyone who took care of mandy when she was and will be on the road you know how much that means to me. We are so happy we absolutely do not know what to do.

Glenn & mandy
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We arein for a long haul

We have been doing our level best to get Kelly transfered to a facility in the states hopefully in GA where she can serve out the rest of her sentence. The paperwork and wrangling with the Canadian government has me on my last nerve. It has been 6 months and it seems like we are going in circles.

mandy is dancing again and on the road we talk everyday and I do my best to keep her spirits up. She met a girl this weekend she really likes and I think the at the very least can become fuck buddies and she needs a woman's touch; Kelly on the other hand was kidding with me that there were no hot or even cute girls in her pod and I told her notto worry. LOL

I miss her so damn much I am not going to quit until I get her back to GA. Both of those girls are so very special to me.

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Oh well Fuck it

Kelly got for the accident in Canada and since she is a foreigner we can and have applied to have her serve her time in the states. The Barrister said it is not uncommon since her crime was not considered nor a drug crime. But for now she is there and mandy and I go up once a month to see her.

mandy is an absolute mess and her heart is broken. We are trying to find a girl to spend quality time with her and that is a Domme as well. So for now it is just going to be the 2 of us with the occasional play partner until our family is back together again.

So if you are in Atlanta and want to hook up for drinks and see if we click then by all means let us know. mandy is very submissive and extremely kinky so if your have limits or are offended easily please pass us by. Have a great day and we look forward to seeing everyone on the Hub soon.

Glenn & mandy
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It isn't fair

Well it looks like Kelly is going to get 3- for the accident that happend over Christmas. The gentleman who was in the other car is going to have permante injury. I can not make an excuse for Kelly dirving or mandy being in the car with her. I can only support her the best way I can.

If I could only get bail I could get her here and then we could prolong the fight. It really stinks because Kelly and mandy were together before Kelly and I and now mandy is an emotional wreck.

I will keep updating everyone but we are going to be taking a little break from playing and mandy will definately not be going back on the road to dance for a long time.

Thanks to everyone.
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What a pain

Hey everyone,
We are still trying to get everything taken care of with Kelly. The Canadian authorities are really being a bunch of knuckleheads. We have gotten a Barrister and an Investigator, so we are beginning th emounting of her defense. It is going to be a long drawn out process and I am afraid that if she gets bail she will not be allowed to leave the country, although it is not that hard to get back into the country. Amanda is a wreck and I am trying to anchor everything as well as I can.

I am not familiar with tha Canadian code so ther is a ton of reading to do and not a lot of time. We wil get thru this and then we will be kicking Kelly's butt.

I hope everyone has a safe and prosperous New Year.

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It seems like forever

The girls are in cali dancing at the Play Pen, Silver Reign, and then Hotbodies. They will finally be home on the 18th and we have the Christmas party for the Club on the 19th.

I really miss both of them and can not wait to get my hands on them. We are planning on making our first videos over the Holidays. If anyone has any suggestions as to what they would like to see please feel free to request. We are a very openminded, loving, kinky poly family.

Have a great day,
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Just an update

Kelly and Amanda finished their time at Rick's in New Orleans and are heading to Las Vegas the will be dancing at Lil Darlings, The Palomino club and possibly Treasures. They are going to miss Thanksgiving but will be home on the 18th and I am fired up to see them when they go to LA I may fly out for a few days just depends on work.

Those two are total goof balls, they told this girl at the club to take care of me while they were gone. The only thing is that they did not tell me. I have been dogging this girl like I owe her support. LOL Amanda asked me this morning if their friend was treating me good and I asked her what she was talking about and she told me. I can not wait to go to work and get this gal home and fuck her. It has been 2 weeks and I am getting blue balls. I am going to tear her up. We have the club Christmas party on the 19th and that is always a blast.

We are going to make some videos the 3 of us together, the girls together and me with each of the girls. If there are any request please let us know.

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I just wanted to let everyone know thaty Kelly and Amanda are doing their tour now and they are in Tampa dancing for 2 nights then to New Orleans for a week, lucky girls.

I am hanging out and starting back to work and having fun. I will be working the door at the Pink Pony South for a while so if you are in Atlanta and have a chance to come by the club say hello.

It is funny I did not think I would miss those two so much I wish the damn tour was over and it hasn't even really started. Oh well when the girls get bcak we plan on making a few videos for eveyone so any suggestions are welcome.

Have a great day,

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Hey everyone

Man Vegas was amazing. We stayed at Cesars and the guy we went with is a Whale. We all had a suite and we had a blast, I won at the craps table and man I have to tell you freedom beats the hell out of prison that is for sure.

Kelly and this old fart were going at it and I was fucking Amanda when out of the blue the old guy tells me he wants me to fuck him in the ass. I looked at him and thought I heard him wrong. I did not though. It turns out this guy is a total freak and wants me to fuck him and tells us afterwards he wants to be our toilet. What a fucking freak. I thought I was going to myself.

Anyway we had a great time the food and was out of this world. He told us that anytime we wanted to go just to let him know. I told him we wanted to go back when the had the AVN's he told me no problem.... we will see.

Now I have to be respectable and and finally get a job. If anyone in Atlanta wants someone who is good in Sales but, has a felony on thier record I am your guy. Hell I will even let you fuck Kelly or Amanda if that will get me the job. LOL

You guys have a great week and we will be seeing you soon.

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Hey we are just touching base Kelly and Amanda are going to Vegas this old fart that loves Kelly is flying the 3 of us out there for the weekend to spend time with her at his house.

I funny thing is he thinks she is in love with him and we are just going to have some fun Kell may suck or fuck the old fart for some coin but who gives a it is her body to do with what she pleases. Any way I am about to get good and before we get to the airport I hate flying.

Details later.

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I am so sorry about being such a lazy bastard. Since I got out all I have been doing is partying all the time. I am really trying to make up for the nickle I did in the Penn. Kelly and Amanda have been really cool about everything.

There is this Asian chick that dances with them and she is really cool well after work Saturday night we were having a few drinks and wound up at the house well this gal asked me "What was it like in prison?" and I told her the drugs and pussy sucked. She asked me " Are Kelly and Amanda taking good care of you?" I told her oh yeah.

Well Kelly has always had a thing for this girl and Amanda is our slave so Kelly started into her and Amanda of course was sucking my cock until I told her to jump in. Well it was the Asian girl's fantasy to be so Kellu and Amanda held her down while I fucked her. I was bare backing her and when she realized that she really started to buck and fight it was a great fuck and when I came in her I could not believe how hard Amanda tried to suck every drop of cum from her pussy... who knew she liked that. Oh well I will write more and we are definately getting a cam and maybe a website so stay tuned.

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Sorry about the delay

I am sorry for taking so long off from writing. Kelly and I have been getting to know another again after apart, and with her girlfriend Amanda living with us it has been interesting to say the least. Amanda is the most submissive girl I have ever met in my life, she is looking for true 24/7 TPE.

The first night that she and Kelly went back to work I jokingly told her not to come back home with less than $500.00 in her pocket it was a Monday and Kelly said it was slow, well Amanda came home with $615.00 Kelly said she was working the VIP room like a mad woman.

Well I am going to go Amanda is here and I am going to tie her up and fuck her in the ass.

Have a great day,
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Just taking it Easy

Kelly Amanda and I had a wonderful weekend and I am just going to take it easy for a few days. Kelly and I are going to take some pictures so if there are any suggestions please feel free to let us know.

Feel free to make specific request as this is a real fantasy for Kelly.


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I am getting out Friday at noon, this just keeps getting better and better. I was told I would not be released until midnight and then 7 p.m. and now noon. I am so fucking happy, Kelly and Amanda are getting a limo to pick me up and they are taking the weekend off from the club we are going to be some rabbit fuckers.

I can't wait to tear into Amanda's young ass I have heard all about her sweet pussy from Kelly and she is a dirty kinky bitch way intohumiliation so I am going to have fun.

I sold my bitch to the Arrians and my TV also, I just need to get rid of these cigarettes and the liquor and I am set. I will get the dough for those today so as long as I can keep my money hidden and no random searches my ass is out of here.

Later Daters,

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Fucking A Bubba

I got the best fucking news in the world this morning. Due to overcrowding in the Gray Bar Hotel I will be getting released on the 10th. Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am out of this bitch. Man I am going to be so fucking busy between now and Friday. I have to call Kelly and Amanda, need to fuck the sell my bitch to the Arrians, got to sell all of the cigs and other they are giving me for my sissy.

Busy little bee I am going to be. Well I will try to update the blog but I can not promise anything.

Peace out you bitches!!!!!
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3 more weeks

I have just 3 more weeks here then I am being let loose on society. God help the citizens. We had a skirmish last evening an African American gentleman apparently had a philosophical disagreement with a member of the Arrian Brothers Social and Golf club.

The disagreement turned into an appualing display of . Tisk...tisk.. I believe that we should be able to resolve matters in an ammicable fashion and not digress into . The Moral of the story is..... When 6 members of the Arrian Brotherhood catch you in the shower you are fucked even if they do not stick their dick in you.

Party on Wayne.... Party on Garth.....

Peace Bitches.

Hey for all of you guys asking to be added how about the decency of at least a fuckinf comment I mean if you want to look at my old lady and jerk off you can at least say Hey for fucks sake.
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Hey There

How is it going not a lot going on here at the Gray Bar hotel, I am just keeping my nose clean and my head down. I have this female guard that has been giving me the eye and we have been talking. Maybe when I get out I will get to tag her. She is a big girl and I bet she likes convict cock. LOL.

Oh well I am out of here getting my stuff in order for my release.

See ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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30 and counting

So I have 30 days until my release. Man it seems like 30 years. I am literally counting every hour now. I am just keeping my head down and am just going to coast thru this. I 420'd it last night and Mikey made me a little drink and he came up with a little something else to help to relaxe me last night. He is such a good little bitch, he gave me a blow job and rubbed my feet and cleaned my cell for me.

I am going to miss that faggot. He asked me about the Arrians last night and I told him tah I would take good care of him. He begged me not to sell him to the Muslims. I told him I would not. Although they asked to speak with me today about making an offer.

Well I got an offer on my TV set and I think I will take it 1k but I am not going to let it go until the 30th so I do not have too much time without it. All of the guys are sneding me kites about people they want me to get intouch with. It is so funny there is a guy in here doing triple life and he asked me if I would go to Tennessee and fuck his old lady for him. I met her a year ago and when she heard I was getting out she asked him if he could arrange me to go to tap that ass. I told him no problem and she is supposed to write me a vanilla letter to set up a meeting over the Holidays.

Well you guys have a good day and don't be playing with yourselves. Fags!!!!!!!!!!!
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We are a fun loving couple that enjoys life to the very fullest. We have a truly open relationship and do not mind playing alone. If you are in the SouthEast we are definitely worth the time to email and meet. Please be real and ready to talk on the phone both of you if you are a couple. *WARNING: all individuals and/or institutions, including local, state, federal, and international law enforcement agencies using this or any Adult Friend Finder site or its associated sites for projects and/or investigations. - You do not have my permission to use any of my profile information, pictures, videos, blogs, or stories in any form or forum both past, current and future. If you have, or do, it will be considered a of my privacy and will be subject to legal action. (I suggest the rest of you post this notice).*

Glenn and Wendy
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Swinging, Kink, BDSM.... most anything sexual, the nastier the better, Dancing, Cooking, Traveling, Taking Pictures, and most of all having fun.
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Women, sweat dripping from a naked body, a little pain, cum, making someone moan with total desire.
Rude people, bad hygene, dollar wings.
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