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What is going on with Porn Hub

Can anybody help me and explain what is going on with Porn Hub. My profile picture is gone, how do l get it back, it's a picture of a lady that l had a relationship with.
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Goodmorning, this is Steve from Baltimore Md.
I have been wanting to do this for so long.
I want to TOTALLY submit to a couple, any age, l want to be used for their enjoyment and pleasure. Thank you.
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Want to be used

This is to a couple that is any age. White, young or old. That lives in Northern Vs. or DC or Md.
I watched a lot of Porn on here and would like to try something different. I want to be a couple slut toy.
If everyone is happy with meeting this could turn out to be a FWB deal.
Thanks. ... Steve
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Looking for a woman who smokes.

Today is July 24, 2017. I posting this because I am looking for a lady who understand smoking fetish. Please write back, this is for Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia area. Thanks
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Something new

I thought i would try something new today. Aug. 11th. Is there any females that live in the Maryland or Washington DC area that have a smoking fetish that looking for help..... Please write back. Steve
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It would be nice to take a lady out to dinner.

It's Saturday Aug. 6th. It would be nice to take someone out to dinner. Please think about it and write back.
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Looking to talk on

Looking to talk. I am on at dawgpound837.... Yes, if your from Md. I am a Cleveland Browns fan, hope to talk soon.
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Looking to

I am on if anybody wants to talk. dawgpound837
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Looking to

This is open to everyone that wants to . If you want to bitch, talk sports, big Caps fan. Well i am at dawgpound837
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Looking for a date.

I am looking for a mature white lady that would like to go out to dinner. Today May 10th. Thanks
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Ok.... Look... Please comment.

Ok... I live in the Washington DC area and we know a lot of women smoke.
What really drives me crazy is.... If a woman, any age, lits up and smokes, and she knows what a smoking fetish is, does she got turned on because she know that men or even woman are secretly watching her.
### Please comment
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před 8 lety
Yeah, I know a lot of women where I work have said they get wet when they notice someone nonchalantly watching them smoke.
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Just want to say thanks

I just want to say thanks to everyone on Porn Hub. Going on being separated now for 5 months i can not wait till i date a woman who smokes. Hey if anyone wants to help believe me i will not turn down the help. ☺
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This is to anybody willing to help

Well its been 5 months separated. I am on the edge of going crazy. I any readers know of a female that needs friendship, please send them my way. She must understand a smoking fetish. Thank you all.
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před 8 lety
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Really do not know were to turn....

Hey... This is Steve. I been talking to a lady in Florida. How come i can not meet any real people in Washington DC or Va or Baltimore. Please if somebody is honest can they help me out. Thanks. Steve
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Just asking for help...

If you read my profile, i have a smoking fetish but i am also submissive and open minded. Welling to do as i am told by a couple, that's right i want to submit to a couple in the Washington DC, Va. and Maryland area. Traveling is not a problem. Thank you... Steve
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Do people really understand us.....

I writing this because i believe that very few people understand us. I believe that smoking fetish is an art. There are few people that understand and accept this. I live in the Washington DC area. I would like to meet a lady or a couple that understands what a smoking fetish it. Thanks .... Please comment.
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Smoking fetish lover

This is to all smoking fetish people out there male and female, i had to post this because i know that it has happen to all of us.
I was sitting at a light and i was watching this redhead lady open a box of Virginia Slims 120. Use her nails to pull one out and place it between her lips and light it. Then the light changed colors. Ok people out there am i missing something.
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před 8 lety
Got my cock hard
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Smoking fetish lover

I am now on at dawgpound837
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Smoking fetish lover

I know this is crazy... I have been separated now for just months and now i starting to go crazy. I putting this out there so maybe somebody will see it and write or tell me were to looking for a white female over the age of 45 that would like to date a separated man. I can travel to Northern Va. Washington DC area and Baltimore area. I got a good heart ... I hope to hear from anybody that can help me. Thanks. Steve
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Smoking fetish lover

I just set up account. dawgpound837
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I have a deep smoking fetish. Would like to talk and or meet people with the same smoking fetish, i am also submissive and i like to be controled. Look for people with a smoking fetish in Maryland and in D.C.

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Glen Burnie Md.
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