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All those with a (puke fetish) raise your hand!

Hey guys, I'm just gonna come out and ask. If there's anyone out there (guys, shemales, trans men or girls) adventurous enough who loves puking. Let me make that clear (Love's puking) and is willing to share their vids, pics to pls let me know. I know this sounds off the wall gross but a fetish is a fetish isn't it, Luv ya 😉! x
  • 33
před 5 lety
I love getting my throat fucked till I puke over and over again on it. Only had 2 great experiences with it though, once I met up with a guy and I gagged and he just went crazy and I threw up on him probably 10 times lol another time my friends cousin throat fucked me in the shower and he loved me puking on his cock. It’s such a turn on ughhhh
  • 1
před 5 lety
I've always been into puking, especially from deepthroat. That's why I'm a huge GG fan lol
  • 2
před 5 lety
Throat over an over then I want them both to fill all my holes up with there hot loads! I’m luckily have no more uterus or cervix so I can’t get pregnant I can take as much cum as I want!
  • 1
před 5 lety
My ultimate fantasy is have a sexy AF she male and another male fuck me good. I want to suck on the tranny’s tits while they slide there big cock in an out of me, I want to watch the sexy young man get sucked by the shemale and then watch him slide his cock in an out of her ass, then I want the shemail inside of me fucking my pussy an my ass while I play with my clit and have the man fucking the shemale in the ass while she fucks me! I want them to choke me and slide there thick cocks down my
  • 0
před 6 lety
@skcheeky91@skcheeky91 as long as you are respectful and responsible, you should never feel ashamed of your sexuality, personal preferences and fetishes. It's taking me and still a work in progress. I highly recommend @Kate Truu@Kate Truu and @Unknown for the hottest puke vids
  • 0
před 6 lety
We don't have a fetish for it, but it just sorta happens sometimes when Louise has her face fucked hard enough...
  • 0
před 6 lety
I puked last week when she pulled my head down to far on our toy. Never thought of it as something I'd be into, but it wasn't bad. Wasn't planned so maybe it'll happen again when we're filming
  • 0
před 6 lety
U there
  • 0
před 6 lety
Want videos call Aq0431499988
  • 0
před 6 lety
I have puked on occasion while deepthroating my husband... kept right on going too! Lol while it wasn't the best experience, I can appreciate that it turns you on. Truutruu used to have gmsome great deepthroating videos with puking, but they were flagged and removed... don't get why ppl do that, if you don't like some thing, keep scrolling, don't ruin another's fetish...
  • 2
před 7 lety
I'm so horny come play and help me cuz
  • 0
před 7 lety
I'm pretty sure there were some videos here on this site. Anyone know what happened to them?
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před 7 lety
its so easy honey. i fuck ure throat so intense  like ive fucked ure ass. i dont stopped if u puke, i will destroy the little skcheeky boy
  • 0
před 7 lety
Yep I love the puking girls. Asian ones specifically.
  • 1
před 7 lety
I don't think this site is a place to feel self-conscious honestly, everyone has there own thing going on, those that think differently can click where they want ... our motto is, if it makes you smile then it's worth exploring 🙂 .... oh crap, just noticed how old this post was LOLOLOL oops 🙂 
  • 1
před 7 lety
Fiancée has a foot fetish
  • 1
před 7 lety
I have a pee fetish only found out recently. Might post a vid soon but not just yet 😉
  • 1
odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "7 year old account"
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "6 year old account"
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "3 year old account"
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Hey people, welcome to my profile page. Feel free to drop me a line via my email account: [email protected] if any of you want to have a one on one chat, share video's, photo's or maybe even flirt x.

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