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Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Přihlašte se nebo se Registrujte pro přidání příspěvku!
Tento příspěvek je připnutý
píše příspěvek
Guys, please I've said it before and I'm saying it again, if you are a guy stop sending me blank friend requests because I will block you and I've already blocked over 50 guys, please there is nothing sexy about ANYONE who cannot respect boundaries so either put a proper message with your request or don't send one at all, there is no reason that I would accept your blank request over another persons so please don't be narcissistic enough to think that I'll make an exception for you because I simply won't. So, if you want me to add you give me a reason and don't make it reasons like why i should find you sexy or want to have sex with you, I'm lesbian so i really don't want to fuck any guys. Here is a link to a survey because I'm Curious about the other people on here: (I might share some interesting results so feel free to spread the survey around)
  • 23
před 7 lety
Hey sexygirlsex, sorry that most guys are dicks and cant respect boundaries. I was gonna send you a friend request, but it would have been blank. Not sure why i cant attach a message to the request though. Anyway, guess ill hold off on the request, again, sorry some guys are idiots.
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před 8 lety
Seriously, some guys just need to treat girls with a bit of respect.
  • 3
před 8 lety
I'd just like to say there are a few of us respectful gentlemen left :-) and we find many of the comments posted by many of the simpletons just as repulsive :-(
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Duke"
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Collector"
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přidala 16 nové video(a) do seznamu
odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Sophomore"
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Two Thumbs Up"
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přidala 16 nové video(a) do seznamu

GUYS!! for the love of god PLEASE read though my profile FIRST BEFORE you send me a request!! I do NOT take blank requests from guys. Girls only please. Guys please don't add me with a blank request, I'll just ignore your request Xxx (Girls you're all welcome ;) )

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