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So if someone could explain to me why men like the whole bimbo thing that would be great.
Why the massive fake tits?
Why the massive fake lips?
Why the blonde hair?
  • 15
před 2 lety
Sorry I definitely ain’t 1 of those guys, natural beauty all the way, big titties a no, big lips well pussy lips yup lol
  • 0
před 3 lety
Cause not many people simply have an understanding of anything of true beauty! We live in a disposable generation. They don't like something they throw it and get something better once you start changing yourself not to better yourself but better the image people see you as things start to become objects too on your body. True beauty lies in the appreciation of understanding the things we have and are given to us
  • 0
před 3 lety
Nah natural
  • 0
před 3 lety
I like your insanely beautiful breasts! your lips and your dark hair😍
  • 0
před 4 lety
Imagine if you will a woman so into sex so obsessed with it she went to great lengths under the knife for better or worse to try to enhance it. Just that thought alone is in a way sexy, if you think of it.
  • 0
před 4 lety
If I may jump straight it deep, in short I think it has something to do with the psychological aspect of being exposed to the visual array via the modern popular sexual needs of those exposed to the mainstream archetype. the trends follow cyclical movements. So it's hard to really state clearly in a few sentences a detailed argument. But I think it's fair to say the most basic human brain functions follow a set of basic commands reliant on simple cues for fertility.
  • 1
před 4 lety
Its like the appeal of most sex dolls. All of those fake additions are added soley to please the man. Bigger lips for kissing and sucking dick , big tits to squeeze and usually a big butt for the same. The blonde hair is probably to reinforce the "doll/object" branding like shes a barbie doll made for pleasure.
  • 0
před 4 lety
Id rather fuck someone like you
  • 0
před 4 lety
It's the difference between wanting a meal, or anything in life, either plain or with all the fixing. It's just decorations. Like the difference between a front yard that has nothing and one that has a huge fountain and a bunch of flowers to make it look pretty. It's the nature of the beast.
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Feel free to Tribute me though :3 and if you find me in real life, then come up and finger me :3

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Chlapy a Holky
"New Zealand"
Zájmy a Koníčky:
Commando + Dress + (Remote) Vibe. Anything I haven't already done
Cum in me, Exhibition
Not cumming in me
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Jestliže odejdete tak budete muset nákup provést znovu.

Jste tak velký Fanoušek, že jste se chtěli přihlásit už podruhé. Gratulujeme, jste Fanda! Ale nebojte se, nic vám nebude znovu naúčtováno.

Jestliže chcete podporovat víc, pošlete jim dýško!

má právě vypnutý Fanklub. Prosím, vraťte se později až se budete moci stát fanouškem.

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