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Mesa, United States
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What to do now? Lol. Guess I gotta get verified now.
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Video for Channel

Man it is SUPER difficult making a video. Specifically finding a girl to film with. I really don't know how to go about this but it seems as tho twitter and craigslist is unreliable as all hell.
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Make a Vid for the Channel

Lately i've been in the mood to make a vid for the channel instead of just editing. If you see this hmu on here and let's make some magic happen!!
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They're hereeee

Negative: The bots are back in waves.
Positive: At least my inbox is getting lit up now.
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Why are we still here

Gimme the yeet boys
And free my soul
I wanna get tossed
In a fucking hole
And drift away
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More vids coming soon!

I just got adobe premire and I am currently learning how to use it as I edit these vids. So far it is way easier than that free bull I was working with. And hey to those people I added; Welcome! I know I don't post a lot but Im tryin. And if you would like to collab Hit me in my dms!! Sorry for the hiatus but the semester started back up and Calculus is kickin my ass!
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No one Talks to me anymore 😥

Now that I've been blocking a lot of spam bots for about a month straight, my dms have been dry as fuck. :[ Kinda miss those robotic bastards. 
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Will upload more. Stay tuned!

Work has been getting really busy this month with Christmas around the corner. Plus Finals are this week so once the store traffic dies down and I pass my exams (hopefully!) I will start uploading way more. Thanks for the 1.5k total views so far tho.
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Editing is harder than previously thought

More vids on the way. Ran into a snafu with merging takes together. Never realized how hard it would be to stitch them together. 
It's either really complicated or I'm really stupid.
It could go either way
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Tired of all these bots

Literally 1 in 8 friend requests I get are bots looking to have me add their snapchat. Oh please make it stop.
P.S. Please don't go add the snapchat (emily..snaps19[I know thats not it but its close]) because its just a way for them to add your account to a general spam list and they will send you a link that, once clicked, will make it look like you have been signed out of Snapchat and once you login, they have your login information and will steal your account and ransom you for it or use it to further their spam.
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před 4 lety
Yup. Russian phishing bots are like 20% of the traffic.
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Good Camera?

If anyone sees this, can you recommend me a good quality camera for recording? Preferably one that can stabilized for motion.
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* Edit haha I forgot to finish this before posting. Anyway, I have hope that sometime in the future I can really start producing my videos and hopefully create a following.

The Future

So I know its NNN and Im trying my damn hardest. But this post is about what I wanna do witht this channel in the future. First of all, I'm going to make funny comments on videos in hopes of being memed. The other goal is to produce videos. Content will probably be either Funny porn or my favorite catergory, public porn. There are some problems tho.
1: I don't have a professional grade camera.
2: I don't have any models to be casted.
I do I have a workstation and the funds. I would record myself but Im not the focus, I'm more of the lineman to the quarterback. QB gets to shine while I do my silent work so tbey can.
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I'm looking to either start making videos on here for people, with people, or trying to make a funny comment or two. If you would like to make a video with me, send me a message and I'll get back to ya ASAP!

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před 2 lety
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"United States"
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Non-Consensual Content Policy<\/a> or\n Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy<\/a>. If you believe a user's profile violates these policies or is\n otherwise inappropriate, you can use the flagging feature to have the user's profile reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":"\/content-removal"},{"key":"underage","value":"User appears to be underage","popup":"We are committed to user and child safety, and Pornhub's Terms of Service<\/a> requires users to be at least 18 years of age\n or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where the website is accessed. If you believe this user is underage, please use the flagging feature to have the user reviewed by Pornhub staff."},{"key":"comments","value":"User is posting inappropriate or objectionable comments"},{"key":"spammer","value":"User is spamming"}]" flag-for="user" submit-url="" item-id="1029323501">
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Jste si jisti že již nechcete být fanouškem?
Jestliže odejdete tak budete muset nákup provést znovu.

Jste tak velký Fanoušek, že jste se chtěli přihlásit už podruhé. Gratulujeme, jste Fanda! Ale nebojte se, nic vám nebude znovu naúčtováno.

Jestliže chcete podporovat víc, pošlete jim dýško!

má právě vypnutý Fanklub. Prosím, vraťte se později až se budete moci stát fanouškem.

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