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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "iFap"
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Sam B gangbang 3

Put my hand onto her pussy fully holding all of it. Oh man I'm shaking just thinking about it. But I know I will get my chance soon. Then Alex asked almost the most perfect question ever "so what have you guys wanted to do to Sam with all that you have thought about her?" Oh this was a perfect topic and I couldn't wait to hear everyone had to say. I've really always wanted to see her naked, Craig said. Hell yea I chimed in, I've been really excited to see what your pussy looks like...I paused then worked up the curage to say it. " I would love to shoot my cum on your pussy" oh really, she smiled at me, a few of the other guys grabbed ther crotch, this must have turned them on. " oh yes, i might have you bend over and show it to me, then i with jerk until I just spray it down with my nut. If another guy wants to join me we could try to cum on her at the same time?" Alex chimed in " oh man that is so hot, I love asses on girls I think I'd like to try and cum with you. " hell yes bro let's do it sounds so hot!
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Sam B gangbang 2

The anticipation was building for everyone in the room you could feel it. Just having her there was making my cock begin to throb. Shawn was standing on the other side of the table talking with sam, this gave you a chance to fully look here over. When she got here she was wearing jeans butt she must have snuck away at some point and changed into the sweatpants she's wearing now. Ahhh so fucking hot, I can fully see the shape of her ass now, and I wonder if she even has underwear on underneath. She must have changed so that it would be easier for us to get it off. Ahh in the front it is slightly pulled up in her crotch. I am so tempted to walk over and put my hand on her pussy.
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "Philosopher"
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Sam B gangbang

This was the day. A group of 5 guys who have always wanted to fuck sam and who have lusted over her for years were about to get their chance with her. Craig, Shawn, Michael, Alex and you are now all hanging out in a room with Sam.
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "1 year old account "
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Critic"
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