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Looking for a female

Hello we're looking for a female who's ok with having a threesome with me and my hubbys cock
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We're Springfield Virginia
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Come us

Hello if your interested in talking to us or maybe joining us just send us your and we can chat and send each other stuff ;P
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counyryboy330 add me plz
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Our is jonnydepth97
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Squire"
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Who wants to play with us? ;p
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Heuuu me!
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se přihlásil(a) k odběru 1 uživatelů
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I will throw you on the bed while I slowly take off your boxers. Then I will stare at your long hard cock. I slowly move my finger up the side of your dick. Then I slowly lick the side of your penis. while I swirl my tongue around the head of your dick and suck on just the tip of your throbbing hard cock. Then I tickle and lick your balls... you want me to suck your dick already!?! but not yet! I gently move my hands around your stomach, tickling it, teasing you. I slowly suck on just the side of your throbbing dick. You want to be in my mouth so fucking bad?Fine! I shove your hard sweaty dick in my mouth, you let out a sigh of relief. I keep blowing you. In and out. In and out. Faster. Harder! Faster! Faster!! Harder!!! you're getting close to cumming. Then I stop. You look at me sad and confused. You just want to cum already. But not yet. I stare into your eyes and wait about 15 more seconds. I can tell how badly you want it. You just want to reach down there and jerk yourself off already. Your penis is throbbing, every breeze, every slight breath you feel on your cock is agonizing. Finally, I grab your dick with both hands and slowly start jerking you off. I get faster. Then I put your hard/long cock into my mouth, sucking you so hard. Right before you cum ....I stop. I then slowly lick the tip of your dick over and over. Each lick is so plesureful and sends a wave of need through your body. After doing this for about a minute I can tell you're about to be pushed over the edge. I get on top of you and start riding you fast. Squeezing the muscles of my pussy. Then I feel your slimey, hot cum explode inside me. You fall back with relief. Your hot sweaty body glistening. I've satisfied you. Now its your turn... what will you do to me? 😉
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před 7 lety
Moaning and begging me to make you cum. The only way you are cumming is into my mouth I say as I carry on getting faster and faster you are now moaning louder and are about to cum! I now flip you so you are sat on my face! My hands switch from being inside you to playing with your clit as my tongue dives inside your wet pussy! Pushing onto your g-spot as you begin to cum into my mouth
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před 7 lety
Clit after a drawn out process of kissing your stomach and making you squirm with each tongue flick and bite on your sides. I would begin slowly running my tongue round and round in circles on your clit as my finger began to move in and out of you. As you started to get wetter I would get faster using my tongue and making shapes on your clit you have never experienced before as your legs fold round the back of my head! My finger now becoming 2 fingers inside you... maybe even 3! You are now
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před 7 lety
I would flip you onto your back and run my hands down the length of your body removing your knickers as I got to them! My hands would play with the inside of your thighs, as my head kissed down from your neck to your breasts, stopping to pay attention to each nipple before carrying on down towards your pussy! As my mouth approached your clit I would move 1 finger inside you feeling how wet you were with the anticipation of what is about to happen to you. My tongue would finally make it to your
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před 7 lety
I grab you by the shoulders, throwing you onto the bed. kneeling between your spread legs, I take my teeth across your belly, down to your waiting pussy, my teeth catch the fabric of your panties continuing further down. my teeth passes over your now throbbing swollen clit, like raking coals over a fire. My warm breath teasing your bare skin. finally your panties are free, exposing your pussy entirely to me. lifting your legs they do to the floor. my mouth returns too your pink puffy pussy lips, my lips brushing against then in light kisses. my noises presses hard against your clit, as my tongue begins to lap at your now wet hole. tracing your labia, then sucking each into my mouth, before pressing my tongue flat against you, licking all the way to your clit. My tongue flicks across, your moans get louder, your breath more ragged, your hips swaying trying too presses harder against me. I pull back letting the feeling fade. your fingers wrap themselves through my hair, bidding me to con
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "Philosopher"
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se přihlásil(a) k odběru 2 pornohvězd
Jonny depth and Mona Cummings.
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před 5 lety
Zajímá mne::
Rodné město:
Yucca valley california
Springfield Virginia
"United States"
Zájmy a Koníčky:
hiking,rock climbing,pornography,photography,working and drawing
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