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Fuckytown, Indiana, United States


odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Hoarder"
  • 1

FIRST, I am the (Mis)Conductor of the Lacytrain to Fuckytown, as well as the Mayor of Fuckytown!! Some might say my personality and sense of humor are crazy as hell, but I don't really give a fuck! SECOND, I am NOT 21 (hell I am not 31... 41) years old, I'm educated, I'm a business woman with a bi-curious naughty side, I know what my pussy likes and I crave sexual satisfaction. I own my own business which refrains me from being able to completely show my face. However I will be employing a bit of creativity in the future to be able to show as much as possible. So basically, if you wanted to see my face in it's entirety, you're fucked! I am a connoisseur of fine wine, good books and of course sex.

Loving Lacy
Poslední přihlášení:
před 2 lety
"V otevřeném vztahu"
Zajímá mne::
Chlapy a Holky
Rodné město:
West Fuckytown, Indiana
Fuckytown, Indiana
"United States"
(Mis)Conductor of Lacytrain to Fuckytown
My Own - Health Related
American Institute of (Mis)Conductors
Zájmy a Koníčky:
I have a number of intellectual interests and a few fun hobbies but I am sure you mainly want to know about the ones discussed on the Hub including Sex, fucking, sucking, licking, etc, yeah I do enjoy these too....
Oblíbené Filmy a TV Show:
I am a huge fan of "womens" TV (Lifetime, LMN, etc.). I love CSI Miami, Sopranos, Two and a Half Men, My Name is Earl, The Office, most chick flicks, HBO, Skinemax, basketball and football games.
Oblíbená Hudba:
I have a quite diverse musical interest, ranging from Mozart to T.I. to Snoop Dogg to R Kelly. The only thing I can't listen to is "the old" Country crap. Sorry, but I can't listen to "Old school Country" and the like with damn near no beat, or that only discusses "Crying in my beer". I have to be able to justify some musical genius or shake my ass to it to enjoy it!
Oblíbené Knihy:
Romance novels, Twilight series, crime novels (Ann Rule), erotic novels and the occasional sex ed book (I will never be too old to learn).
Sweet, sexy people with at least a minimal ability to articulate what they want to say in an intellectual manner. Now if all else fails, they should, at the very least have a good sense of humor to make up for their lack of education! Some other more physical turns ons would be, Beautiful tits, great smiles, shaved pussies and well groomed cocks. Come on guys, if you want the "tree" to look bigger, keep the grass fucking short!
I have a few, but my biggest turn off is a shitty "fake" personality, just be yourself, show yourself, and probably on occasion, fuck yourself, it does a body good! DO YOU WANT TO CAM? Come on mother fuckers, if I had time to sit and show you my pussy on a webcam, I'd rub myself more too. Please don't ask me if I want to "cam2cam", I don't have time for that and if I did, I really don't want to watch you whack off anyway! Hell, I can probably get my neighbors to whack off for me in person. ASK ME, YOU GET BLOCKED! MESSENGER: Please don't ask me if I want to chat on messenger, if I want to, I will ask you! But let's be honest, if I had time to chat with a couple thousand guys on messenger, I would get another job! ASK ME, YOU GET BLOCKED! Got Lacy? It Does a Body Good!
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