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I would like to have a fuck buddy. Make yourself available morning, noon night.
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It used

When interacting with others on Porn hub with pics n clips makes it fun but that is not the case anymore. Why is that?
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Who else have had their videos and pics removed from your stream? I am experiencing that.
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Has anyone ever had an unpleasant surprise? Maybe so, but this one was pleasant indeed. This is how it went; let me give a clear picture, she is young [in her twenties], I'm of a certain age, we work together, always share pleasantries through greetings and banter but just the other day she asked if I would like to see her naked. Was taken aback but suck conversation not initiated by me, I'm very comfortable with. I said yes, I would love to and do more. " what would you do when I'm naked?" she asked. Don't tease girl, I responded. Do you want to do it in  your car in the parking lot? She informed me her roommate is out of town and she has the apartment to herself. It is after work, both of us are alone in her apartment, she is immediately peeling her clothing off one by one, I couldn't believing my luck. I am about to fuck this well endowed, beautiful young thing. After turning me on for a while with her strip show, I decided to make a move, make contact, she said "hold up' just want to show you not do you." WTF
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Woke up this morning extremely hard and horny; went to bed with a particular young lady on my mind. Saw her the other day, haven't seen her in a while [ have never been with her, want to though]. She had on a very sexy pair of shorts, midriff t-shirt. Couldn't get any, didn't have privacy to unload. Writing this hours later, still want pussy.
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I believe my neighbor has postings on PornHub; we are not friends but I do recognize a distinct characteristic on her. I'm wondering what should I do. Introduce myself, leave her alone, try to become fuck buddy, what if she lives with someone as I am? It could become complicated. Too close for comfort. She is so fine with a nice ass. Guess I will just enjoy her postings and imagine what it would be like. This is not the end of this story, it is still being written. I may have a follow up or not.
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Got the day off, the house to myself, horny af; my fuck buddy neighbor moved away with her family. watching these fat booty chicks getting fucked, makes me wanna blow a load out of my balls. PH friends, who can relate?
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Mostly amateur porn turn me on; it's like observing your neighbors or strangers fucking [ordinary people]. Some are good at it ,and some are so, so. And when I jerk off nice and slow while watching a hot girl rubbing out, or getting fucked, I find watching porn useful and satisfying. 
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I would like to have a neighborly fuck buddy especially tonight; so horny. Somewhere seedy, like in the car, in a busy parking lot or the laundry room; a quick fuck or a long sweaty one, depending on the mood of both of us. Damn, like this does not come easy the older you get.
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Dripping Wet Pussy

I am wanting so bad right now to lick and suck some young dripping wet pussy; the kind that goes on for half an hour or so, while my dick drips pre cum.
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Jacking Off Is Best Sometimes

Enjoying myself, by myself sometimes have been most memorable compare to some of my most memorable encounters with some girls. Who shares this view?
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Can my one friend chat with me and make me cum?
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Is there anyone out there who wants to talk me into cumming?
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Looking at beautiful pussy is a pastime I enjoy a lot. Since I can't realistically meet and engage with as many women as I would like, find myself on pornhub enjoying these beautiful young women sharing their private moments and secret places. Also enjoy personal messaging.....

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Jestliže odejdete tak budete muset nákup provést znovu.

Jste tak velký Fanoušek, že jste se chtěli přihlásit už podruhé. Gratulujeme, jste Fanda! Ale nebojte se, nic vám nebude znovu naúčtováno.

Jestliže chcete podporovat víc, pošlete jim dýško!

má právě vypnutý Fanklub. Prosím, vraťte se později až se budete moci stát fanouškem.

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