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Maidstone, United Kingdom
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I keep seeing an ad for a sex toy for men but it's being used on a d****. That's epically funny beyond belief. Someday I'll be that person ********ng a d**** for s**** and giggles.
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Random thought for the day. If I am annoying people and I find them just as annoying then does that mean that muffins are free?
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I'm almost at my weight loss goal. I won't lie by saying it was easy. It has been hard work but well worth it. I never gave up fried food or ice cream and other dessert foods. I just eat less of them.
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před 1 lety
Good job! Keep it up!
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Just a how do you do

Perhaps I'm just silly and maybe I'm just plain wrong but pumpkin cheesecake ice cream is awesome. I'm not but howling makes me powerful.
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před 1 lety
can you put anywhere?
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Try and use fondle in a sentence but in a nonsexual way.
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Bring on the bacon fries

If I've learned anything it's that everything is better with bacon. Even bacon is better with bacon. Don't believe me just try and prove me wrong. I refuse to cut fatty foods out of my diet. I just eat less of it.
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Hope is good but butter is better.
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It's really been a very long time since I spent much time on Pornhub. I've lost some weight and I'm twenty pounds away from my target weight. I'm down to a size 8 or 10 and I've never felt better.
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All in the days work. Do what you can and don't worry about everyone else.
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Well it was fun until....

I gotta say that once upon a time I used to do naughty photos and even talked about making another naughty video but those days are past me now. I might be around from time to time but while I got an amazing arse I lost motivation to do pics any more. Some people said some mean things about me behind my back and I stopped being able to take the pics I used to enjoy taking. I'm more of fragile soul. So I didn't want my bio to be true. This is me saying it isn't fun any more but I'm not going to vanish as quietly as I came. I might write some erotic fiction because I'm a decent writer and the editing phase I'm currently in is making me miss writing.
  • 3
před 3 lety
man fuk them losers you aint gotta do all that tho
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I have had 2,200 pageviews! This might be small but I'm proud of what little I have received. I know I haven't made new content and it's because my situation changed. So any it's almost impossible to take photos. I will try to do something huge when I do get back to this. I am planning erotic stories and I'll give an update when I have more to say.
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My bio

I'm thinking about writing a new about me section. I have to remember what I want to say and being honest cause I'm honest. Area's that I didn't change is where I state very introverted even though it should read I have Asperger's syndrome. People who know me in real life know that fact. Online people not really so much. I didn't lie on purpose cause I didn't feel comfortable sharing that with people. There is so much judgement about being on the Autism Spectrum and the things people say or think about it can be hurtful. I have a huge heart but again that is hard to show online. I'll post updates later.
  • 4
před 7 lety
You sound like nice person and that cool I am gamer to I play on play station 4 and have lot fun
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Alright I'm back

I was to take a break from the internet cause I moved. I had to wait for the cable installer to hook everything up. So I should be back for real this time.
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před 7 lety
Now if I can get motivated. 
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před 7 lety
Welcome back
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Do's and don't of contacting me

I didn't want to type this out but some dick made me. I'm not going to go into personal stuff but I'm not single anymore.  It's complicated and I'm not playing around with men anymore. I will play with ladies cause my guy is okay with that. I will not change my interested in section cause I'm not lesbian. This would be misleading to women who might become interested in me. So to all future friends and maybe old friends I'm just here to do  photos and chatting. I don't want this to come up again. Love Sarah!
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Erotic stories

I got some ideas for erotic stories. So I'm going to write some stories. I've read a few and I want to write unique stories that aren't like others. I have kinky taste in erotica and I hope my fans will like my approach as well. I might take suggestions but I ultimately will decide what I write. I figure that me writing erotic stories will entertain my fans and friends here. I'll see all you fine people soon with an erotic story or two. Love Sarah!
  • 4
před 7 lety
Share mami
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What's up people

It's been a while since I was on last. I took a break from pornhub cause I was so burned out. I'm not going to make promises about what I'm going to do. I have a new rule I don't sext anymore. I might bend the rule time to time. You can ask me if I'll sext you but if I say no then that's my answer. I don't know if I'll be on regularly or not. So please be patient and I'll try to respond as soon as I can. Thank you for your time. Love Sarah!
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před 8 lety
Welcome back. Super Mario Bros 2 is a classic.
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I'm going to attempt to film a new video this week. I'm not sure when but I'm pretty sure I'm ready to use my toy for the camera. Love Sarah!
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I was going to take photos and maybe make my new video but then I got sick and I didn't have the energy to do anything. I'm so behind on photos it's not funny. When I feel good enough I'll try to take photos. Love Sarah!
  • 4
před 8 lety
Baby I know just what will help u feel Better , Lots of CUM!
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I'm still a little sore so I'm holding off on taking photos with my new dildo. I'm going to try to write the erotic story I said was going to write. I haven't been that frisky lately. That's because I'm focused on my tabltop RPG. It's my huge project for the year. When I get far enough I'll need test players but that's months away. I'm still working on my first music album. It's an indie release so that's something. Love Sarah!
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A request

I have grown sick and tired of men asking me if I would prefer the "real thing". Please don't ask me this. Even if I had a boyfriend I would still use a dildo. There is nothing wrong with me pleasuring myself. Sometimes I want to spend alone time and if I decide to masturbate it doesn't mean I love a BF less. Love Sarah!
  • 12
před 8 lety
Young minded. Like we jerk off and still do the real thing. Well said !
  • 0

I'm an avid fan of video games, music, TV and movies. I have been playing games since NES back in the 80's. I'm a private woman so don't expect me to hook up with you. Though I might be keen on a text chat.

Sarah Noble
Poslední přihlášení:
před 1 lety
Zajímá mne::
Chlapy a Holky
"United Kingdom"
self employed
Zájmy a Koníčky:
Video games, reading, writing, sex(maybe?)
Oblíbené Filmy a TV Show:
Vampire Diaries, Twilight Saga, The Last Starfighter
Oblíbená Hudba:
Metallica, Evanescence, Type O Negative, Cradle of Filth
Oblíbené Knihy:
Wolf Clan Saga
Prohlédnutí Profilu:
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Non-Consensual Content Policy<\/a> or\n Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy<\/a>. If you believe a user's profile violates these policies or is\n otherwise inappropriate, you can use the flagging feature to have the user's profile reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":"\/content-removal"},{"key":"underage","value":"User appears to be underage","popup":"We are committed to user and child safety, and Pornhub's Terms of Service<\/a> requires users to be at least 18 years of age\n or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where the website is accessed. If you believe this user is underage, please use the flagging feature to have the user reviewed by Pornhub staff."},{"key":"comments","value":"User is posting inappropriate or objectionable comments"},{"key":"spammer","value":"User is spamming"}]" flag-for="user" submit-url="" item-id="103071971">
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