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Portland, United States
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i used to be ashamed of having such a large clitoris, but i've learned to love it. i love how hard it get. i love how it  makes a little imprint in my panties. i love how it peaks out of my hairy jungle and lightly presses on my panties, ooo i wish it were a tongue while someone else rubbed my asshole and  made out with me as I pulled on my nipples and put one finger in my cunt 
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nightly touch

hi my sexy friends. another night and another clit erection. I just got home from work and its time to try on my new panties. first pair are mesh briefs, completely white mesh, see through. I got them a size to small so they are tight. that way my pussy busts out of them and my dark hair shimmers through 
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My pussy is so horny it’s almost itchy!! I feel like I have this itch I can’t scratch no matter how many times a cum!! I even have done a few pee squirts and I’m still horned up. Any ideas???
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před 2 měsíci
Let me scratch it Real deep and good with my dick
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My pussy gets so aroused and swollen that my lips just bust out and my g string goes in between my lips. It hits my clit erection perfectly especially if I pull and give myself a wedgie
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I could easily edge my body for hours. My pussy gets so aroused and just never is satisfied. Guess I’ll be up all night stroking my clit and making love to my pocket pussy 😥
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oblíbená 11 videa
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Who first showed you how to pleasure yourself…..
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Anyone else up rubbing their naughty bits?? I want to hear about everyone’s first masturbation experience tell when you first realized those parts made you feel good
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Another night, another night of curious puss stroking her very eager kitty
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I like actually making love to my pillow. Getting nude, sensually stroking my body. Sometimes I’ll even tongue kiss the pillow pretending it’s a sexy lover.
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před 2 měsíci
Sent you a friend request
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Got fucked tonight but it didn’t satisfy my pussy and it’s still leaking cum and swollen but my man is sound asleep!! Guess I’ll make love to my pillow
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Haven’t even been stroking her long and my kitty is excited! I have a clit boner I’m going to hump against the arm of the couch
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Another night of lazily stroking my mound until my clit decides to poke out of its little shell
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I want to join a gym so that I can get caught nude in the locker room.
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I love being able to come on here and express how I feel about touching my body. I love being able to rub myself knowing there are only people that touch their bodies as much as me. There are other people whose clits are raw from being tugged and whose balls are sore from being squeezed. I love that other people sometimes touch themselves while they take a pee
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před 3 měsíci
Its so amazing having you here and sharing your experience
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oblíbená 14 videa
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It feels so good to be nude letting my swollen puss hump the air. My clit is jutting out from between my hairy lips. What should I hump it on???
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před 3 měsíci
Mmm so rub your tight little slut holes on the railing or maybe just find someone who will let u just fuck their hand
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Anyone up fiddling with their pee pees or coochies?? Haven’t had a good release in a few days which usually means I’ll have a pretty big load to leak out oooooh
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před 3 měsíci
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Just went to go tinkle and couldn’t even wipe my coochie!! If I touched even my public hair I’d realse!
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Who knew that standing nude in the sun letting my hairy chi chi breathe would cause a pee per squirt. I was humping the air with my legs spread squeezing my nipples and felt my load start oozing out onto the floor. Going to get on my knees so my puss spreads open
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A very curious girl who is living out her fantasies on the internet. Love to trade kinks and dirty talk on here. Love to keep a record of my favorite sexy videos. I am a very sexual person and always in the mood to touch myself.

Poslední přihlášení:
před 2 měsíci
Zajímá mne::
Chlapy a Holky
Rodné město:
Portland ME
"United States"
Zájmy a Koníčky:
Reading smut
small penis, big hairy pussy, huge clit, ftm, grandpas/grandmas, mature, anything in public, first time, masturbating, BBW, peeing
BDSM, anal of any sort,
Prohlédnutí Profilu:
Zhlédnutá videa:
Non-Consensual Content Policy<\/a> or\n Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy<\/a>. If you believe a user's profile violates these policies or is\n otherwise inappropriate, you can use the flagging feature to have the user's profile reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":"\/content-removal"},{"key":"underage","value":"User appears to be underage","popup":"We are committed to user and child safety, and Pornhub's Terms of Service<\/a> requires users to be at least 18 years of age\n or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where the website is accessed. If you believe this user is underage, please use the flagging feature to have the user reviewed by Pornhub staff."},{"key":"comments","value":"User is posting inappropriate or objectionable comments"},{"key":"spammer","value":"User is spamming"}]" flag-for="user" submit-url="" item-id="2651023841">
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