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Thanks to the supporters on my Patreon, we have returned!!! ❤️
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so when are you going to post content?
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5 Reasons Black Men Should Date White Women
By Donavan Sharpe
1. They Take Good Care of You:   If you’re fucking her senseless and running solid game, a white girl will move heaven and earth to make your life easier. Aside from giving you the pussy whenever and wherever you want, they’ll showcase their domestic skills to show you their appreciation. White girls know and understand that giving me the booty is just the beginning. They’re keenly aware of the fact that men of value can get sex just about any time they want so they step up their game in other areas to lock you down which increases their overall value.
2. They Do It All In Bed:    Woman for woman, white girls suck dick much more than any other women. I’m not sure what the percentages are but based on my personal experiences the gap is wide. Every single solitary white girl I’ve ever fucked hasn’t hesitated to fellatio my phallus.  White females are also much more open sexually. Anal sex, swallowing, public fucking, and everything in between is all on the table with white girls. They’re down for whatever you want to do with them and are more than happy to comply with whatever you want sexually.
3. They Don’t Have An Attitude Problem:   When white women belong to a man who is masculine, knows what he wants, takes control, and dominates life they fall in line. They have kind, pleasant dispositions because they know they’re being led by a man they can trust to be a man without resenting him for doing so.
4. They’re Naturally Submissive:    Every female has a natural desire to be submissive. It’s in their feminine hard drive to surrender to a man and submit to him. White women, when properly groomed and trained are naturally submissive to their men.  A healthily submissive woman is one who puts the needs of her man before her own. If he wants to fuck, she submits and lets her man fuck her whether she has a ‘headache’ or isn’t in the mood. If her man is hungry, she makes him a meal. If he wants to relax she gives him his space. Whatever he needs, she’s there for him regardless of how she feels. His needs come first every time.
5. They’re Feminine:   The more masculinity you show, the more femininity they exhibit. If you verbally reprimand her for some reason or another, they soften up and heed your command. If you tell her you two are staying home rather than going to meet her friends or relatives, she’ll say ‘yes sir’ and be done with it. Everybody knows this. 
It’s time for black men who are fence sitters to ditch females who do nothing but bring them down, and get with women who will appreciate them, take good care of them, and not compete with them at every turn for dominance or the upper hand in any relationship.
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před 3 lety
I agreee xxx mmm I wanna wife you up xx
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Hey guys, my name is Jessica. I am officially back and the BlackManWhiteGirlLove series has officially returned. I will re-upload all the quality content that I had on my previous channel. Without a further a do a bit about me. My name is Jessica, I'm 18 with 2 beautiful mixed race . I grew up in the south, Virginia to be exact. Country girl. I love black men and I've been with my man Donovan since I was 15. Little did I know I would get pregnant with his and start a beautiful family together. I love him. Black men are the best, they are fighters, strong, high willpower, handsome and most of all they were blessed with the biggest gift god created for them. The black man is simply chivalry and as a Christian god had intended for our kind to be together. To create beautiful offspring.

Jessica West
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Chlapy a Holky
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