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Bullhead city, United States
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Prince"
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- nahrála 1 nových fotek
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Ignorance isn't bliss unless you take the BLUE pill, all I have are RED ones.

Hello everyone needless to say it's been a a while since we've been able to post anything a lot of drama happening in the hometown lot of ignorance, hate, and fortunately cyber bullying but not to me in the wife but our . Anybody with understands their safety and well-being comes first and foremost before me and my wife's. We are working hard to resolve the situation if there's anybody who is tech savvy when it comes to because they have our Network and left me clueless on how to stop them.  That is why we have been absent from the community and making videos for you all which we love to do. If anybody can offer any assistance we would greatly appreciate any help that came our way any help is better than no help. Just message us if you feel you can help out. thank you
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před 6 lety
Sorry to hear about this unfortunate bullshit. Hope it gets resolved. As for tech help: You'll need to change your router/ modem info by going into the settings for that router/ modem via the portal that your ISP (Internet Service Provider) has provided, hopefully, when they set it up for you. You may need to change the network password or the whole network (since you may have been ). Contact your internet service provider via their tech support to review your network settings and update t
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před 6 lety
Haven't thought about LifeLock not sure what good that would do because they're being bullied not having their identity and it's happening on all the apps that our play on. We've contacted the local police department and they said there's nothing they can do until there's proof. Problem lies though when we have proof but we don't have proof I know their voices like I know the back of my hand problem is how do you get somebody's voice that you know it's the person how do you link it t
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před 6 lety
sorry to hear that, I hate to hear that are involved in a bad situation 😥 isn't there someone you can call like life lock ?
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- nahráno 1 nové video!
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odemkl(a) nový úspěch: "The Hoarder"
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- nahrála 78 nových fotek
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Sorry for the accidental upload people somehow I managed to delete the video and uploaded a small bursts our apologies we will fix the problem as spoon as possible and upload a new one, again my mistake.
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před 7 lety
Yes definitely gonna make more
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před 7 lety
Your page is the first one I subscribed too. Love your videos I look at them all the time. I hope you will make more
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- nahráno 1 nové video!
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It's been awhile

Sorry to all of our subscribers and everyone else who enjoys our videos, we haven't forgot about our fans. We are in the process of getting more entertainment available for all of you to enjoy. Look for new videos coming soon.
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před 7 lety
im from Fort Mohave , still looking for fun
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před 7 lety
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před 7 lety
you need another guy for a dp , or just film let me know . im just around the corner
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Ive been getting a lot of friend request lately on Facebook.. just so you all know I will not add you as a friend I will continue to decline.. I'm glad you enjoy the movies but that is as far as it will go. So if you consider yourself a human being please do us the favor and stop. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING
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- nahráno 1 nové video!
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Rise and Shine

Sun just came up a bit ago, I think it's about time to wake my wife with my dick in her face heading down her throat.
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My husband and I have been together for 19 years. We are still trying to figure each other out, still discovering what each others likes and dislikes are and in the process growing more and more passionate for pleasing each other.. I was a young mom and didn't get all the joys of play and finding what my true likes are and now with the help of my husband he's trying to help me discover what really turns me on. I'm I'd guess what you'd call bi-curious about other females, but like any good girl should, I love me some dick. As for the husband I'm all about the ladies, and desire everything they have to offer and then some!

Poslední přihlášení:
před 9 měsíci
Zajímá mne::
Bullhead city
"United States"
Zájmy a Koníčky:
I like just about everything in this world. Fishing, Hunting, swimming, sex, history, electronics and technology, gaming, spending time with my friends, family and loved ones.
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Non-Consensual Content Policy<\/a> or\n Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy<\/a>. If you believe a user's profile violates these policies or is\n otherwise inappropriate, you can use the flagging feature to have the user's profile reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":"\/content-removal"},{"key":"underage","value":"User appears to be underage","popup":"We are committed to user and child safety, and Pornhub's Terms of Service<\/a> requires users to be at least 18 years of age\n or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where the website is accessed. If you believe this user is underage, please use the flagging feature to have the user reviewed by Pornhub staff."},{"key":"comments","value":"User is posting inappropriate or objectionable comments"},{"key":"spammer","value":"User is spamming"}]" flag-for="user" submit-url="" item-id="81540682">
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