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开启Pornhub Premium的免费周I put together playlists. Let me know if you have any suggestions for my current play lists or if you'd like to see something in particular. I have a pretty wide taste for content, but I'm straight and not interested in male-on-male, trans, female-on-female, hardcore BDSM, hardcore humiliation (pretend cuckholding without male on male is cool), male or female solo, food play, male cum play, etc. That paints a pretty good picture of what I'm willing to do. I ONLY put together lists of HD videos with cum shots and I am now trying to separate content that can be downloaded versus not. I have access to "premium" videos, but could put more effort into non-premium videos for those without premium access and would be willing to expand those lists into non-HD videos as long as they are downloadable content. I currently categorize videos with a per-video download fee as "non-downloadable." Anyway, share and share alike...men, women, couples...enjoy in whatever manner you like.
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