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开启Pornhub Premium的免费周This Salt Lake winter had been dreadful. The inversion has been awful. However, the last couple of days have been gorgeous even though it is only January 18th. I have been away from my page, but want to really kick start it into gear. The forecast looks great for the next week. So while the Sundance Film Fest is getting ready to start, I'm going to start doing a series of flashing (dare) photos and videos around town. I started last night at Trolley Square (a local shopping center). What I want to do is find some unique locations and go make some great photos of videos. I also want to have some fun. I'm looking for some unique and funny signs to take shots with. I also would like to include some landmarks, high quality graffiti walls, locations on local campuses (there are already a few picked out of the U of U), and maybe even someone's house or work location. Hopefully winter will be over soon. While I'm impatiently waiting for Spring, I want you to send me some ideas or locations you think would make a g
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