It was a close friends wedding but I wasn't in the best of places, having just split from a girlfriend, so I was going on my own . Not ideal but I wasn't going to let him down, so brushed myself down , got my best suit on and turned up, but how glad I made the effort. Big modern Hilton just north of town centre where my mate was getting married but not being full of the joys of sprint I hadn't even planned to stay, happy enough to attend and drive back but that soon changed Got talking to a dim and distant relative of the bride, she'd come up from Devon so was staying in that hotel a few ni… Ler mais

Publicado por splatter_her_face há 5 meses 1


Some times a nice surprise springs up and this was just one of those evenings. Failing to see either of my regular whores, I clocked a new girl, pulled into a side street and over she sidled asking if I had a spare ciggy. I knew she would be on the game but she looked younger than the normal ones. She jumped in my car, I found out she was 20 called Faith and was new to the streets. I told her I knew a quiet spot and off we drove, with the excitement growing inside me at the prospect of filling a new girl with cock. It almost seemed wrong doing one that young but to start with she was a lippy… Ler mais

Publicado por splatter_her_face há 3 anos 12

A surprise after tea in the park

Working late I decided to treat myself to a chippy tea and not being able to start the job until 8pm I parked in the local park car-park and chilled out with the radio on. I'd seen this woman walking by with a dog keep looking at me but thought nothing of it. After she saw me finish eating she walked over and tapped on my drivers window. I put the window down halfway and she just said 'hiya you enjoyed your chips'. I said I had but still thought it an odd question for a stranger to ask. She then asked me why I was parked there so politely told her I had a couple of hours to kill before the jo… Ler mais

Publicado por splatter_her_face há 6 anos 4

Good Hard Fuck After School Reunion

I was talked into going and how glad I was that I had. During the course of the night I was chatting to an old girlfriend I went to school with ,haven't seen her in 31 years. We dated for 6 months at school but due to our age it never went further than me giving her boobs a good squeezing thro her bra while she put her hand inside my unbuttoned jeans a few times slipped her hand inside my undies and played with my dick until it went hard then didn't want to go any further. A week after the reunion we met up for a coffee then I took her out for a meal the following weekend and ended up nail… Ler mais

Publicado por splatter_her_face há 9 anos 11