husband and wife in St Martin Part 2

Husband and wife used in St Martin part 2 This is the completion of the story that began on a nude beach in St Martin, when my wife and I were vacationing at a clothing optional resort there. We met two couples who were visiting the beach while on a cruise, Sam a tall well built light skinned black man with a fat 8 inch cock, his wife Nancy a sexy blond with amazing natural tits, frank a handsome white man with a nice 7 inch dick and his wife Lucy a buxom Latin girl. We invited them to our bungalow and we spent most of the morning being used in ways I never imaged. After two hours of fucking a… Ler mais

Publicado por pumpnow há 3 anos 31

Husband and wife used in St Martin

My wife and I just got back from a vacation in St martin at nudist resort on the beach. One day when the cruise ships were in we were lounging on the beach when a well-built light skinned black man came up to my wife while she was sitting reading her book he was standing right next to her his soft cock was right in here face I thought it must be 8 inches. I thought she would look away but she actually stared at it as she spoke to him. He introduced himself as Sam, my wife did the same and introduced me he said he was on the cruise with his wife and another couple and pointed to them, they were… Ler mais

Publicado por pumpnow há 3 anos 47