my acknowledgement

my asian friends think i am a smart nerdy bookish girl my husbands family thinks i am the nice and sweet innocent housewife and no matter how classy i dress up when i go out around the city with my husband all of that goes away when my clothes come off and another mans dick slides in it gives me the heart of a slut and the pussy of a whore… Ler mais

Publicado por aznslut4bwc há 1 ano 60

Recherche appartement....

Pour la rentrée des classes je suis allée visiter un appartement meublé, là c'était deux hommes qui faisait visiter, un de mon âge a peu près et l'autre un peu plus jeune, deux hommes séduisants je doit avouer... Quand je suis arrivée le plus âgé m'as demandé "On se connait?" moi je lui ai répondu "Non je ne crois pas" , alors on a commencé la visite. Le plus jeune est sorti passer un coup de téléphone, je me suis retrouvée seule avec l'autre,  là qu'il a commencé a me dragué, moi je l'ai repoussé c'est là qu'il m'a dit "Sur tes vidéos tu es moins timide", il m'a plaquée sur un mur et a c… Ler mais

Publicado por Slydu69 há 6 anos 31


The next time I saw Judith, her family was staying at our house as we alternated between the two. We did all the normal stuff for youngsters our age, playing outside and exploring, all before video games and satellite TV so very, much make up your own entertainment. All I wanted was to again feast my young eyes upon her beautiful flesh, but how to ask…do I try and trick her, do I make a bet and see if she goes for it, I don’t know, so I do what most boys my age would have done. I hoped and wished and looked for any signs that she might be receptive to the concept. There are two princi… Ler mais

Publicado por amatlover há 9 anos 4

Ch 3 - Show you mine

My meetings with Judith went on regular as clockwork, every six months or so, alternating between each other’s houses. It was sometimes difficult, as the passing time between each occasion would make us a little awkward around each other, with hindsight I guess it was the shared knowledge of what we had done and what, in all likelihood we would do again. The next few times all went along similar lines, looks and glances and something engineered in such a way as to leave her in some kind of debt to me, although not in a material way like prostitution, but where a dare or bet was lost. Lookin… Ler mais

Publicado por amatlover há 9 anos 4

I love cum

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Publicado por the_eeee há 2 anos

Séjour chez ma soeur

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Publicado por emlie há 2 anos

nouvelle photo

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Publicado por emlie há 2 anos