Sudden Blocking Syndrome? WTF!

Is it just me or has the tendenancy of men/women/couples on here to seemingly for unknown reasons suddenly to block someone in the middle of a conversation increased exponentially? Most often in the middle of a seemingly benign, mundane, casual conversation, with no possible logical "triggers" to explain that action! This has started to happen on a very frequent basis now here, and sometimes with people I have chatted with on and off for many years. No argument, nothing controversial or out of the ordinary, just in the middle of a chat with no obvious clues. This is happening so often, and almost always without any explanation or reason, that I have come up with two theories.

1) While I almost never use my phone for xhamster chats, is it possible that the "Block" button on a hand held device is in such a poor place that people are hitting it and do not even know? Meaning it was misplaced and now people hit it on accident?

2) With the self destruction of xhamster is it such a state of affairs that most of the people still left on here are ones with severe mental issues and are just whack job pyschos who need a padded cell and some meds, not spending time on a porn site? Let's face it, people on here were pretty rude, crude, illmannered, and mentally unstable during the best of times, have the times made people worse in this case? Or simply are we dealing with the bottom of the barrel now with who is still standing?

A long time ago this SBS would have upset me, now it just elicits a "Well, here we go again" type of response from me.

While I encourage folks to provide feedback, theories, etc. responding with "it must have been something you said" would under normal circumstances seem logical, it does not apply when you are 25 minutes into a conversation and nothing extreme, out of the ordinary, or even something miscontrued has been uttered. Then saying, "I hate your profile" or "your dick is not big enough" etc also does not apply when someone you have been conversing with for years blocks you in the middle of a chat that was perfectly normal.

Having been here just under 13 years it feels like I have been "blocked" by "friends/chatters" more in the last six months than the previous decade plus combined.

Publicado por matureBBWlover00
há 9 meses
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I've done it several times but it was just because I was stroking and typing and hit block by accident. 