Love older men

I wrote this true story this afternoon for a nice looking older man on this site, it was kind of an introduction email or message. Desperately trying to get his attention you might say. I doubt he has had time to read it yet so I am not sure if it worked, but I hope so.

I am infatuated by men older then myself, I suppose that relates to my youth, being seduced by a much older gentleman. A experience I will never forget. I was in a pub in the city, the Windsor Tavern on Park Street.I must have been 18 or 19. Just out of school, inexperienced and not thinking this nice looking man was gay. He approached me, at the bar, sat down, on the stool next to me and ordered a beer. We started talking and got on well, I thought.
I shouted him a beer so we could talk more, well he was interesting and I had no-where special to be. Be chatted for hours, laughed, joked and, I can see now, flirted.
A couple of hours passed and Brian (his name) asked what I was doing for dinner, as the restaurant downstairs was quite good.
I was hungry, so agreed to dine with him.
We went downstairs, had a lovely steak and a bottle of Shiraz. Brian shouted, even though I protested that I would pay for my own.
When we were at the counter, his hand gently rubbed over my arse, I thought it was an accidental brush!
After dinner, he offered me a cigarette, which I accepted. I lit his and I noticed his warm hand on mine as he drew on the lighter. Again I thought nothing of it.
Well I started slurring my words, but was enjoying myself too much to leave and go home. I excused myself to go to the gents.
He followed! Stood next to me and openly stared as I had a piss.
All he said, as he zipped up was, nice!
My cock twitched, which I don’t know if he noticed, but I hoped he did.
Back at the bar, Brian stood closer to me, our shoulders and legs touched more then occasionally, which I liked. My cock was growing, and I tried not thinking about it. I had one previous encounter with a male, which you can read about on my profile if you like.
What was going on? My mind was racing! My cock was starting to throb. I excused myself to go to the loo again, and Brian suggested the bathroom at his place would be cleaner. I laughed and said I doubt I would be able to hold it that long, when he said he lived in the Park Regis building across the road.
I hesitated then agreed!
We crossed Park Street, and I was sure everyone was looking at me, judging me!
Up the elevator to the 44th floor, and into his apartment. My mouth was as dry as my cock was hard. Brian showed me the bathroom and I closed the door.
When I came out, Brian had dim lights on, a drink in his hand, arm extended offering it to me, and the most incredible view of the city before me.
I stood in front of the window, looking up Park Street toward the coca-cola sign at the cross. Brian wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck!
Would you and your beautiful cock like more?
bi69ru xxx 16:26 7/11/2022

Update, 10:15 9/11/2022 My new sexy friend saw his email and wants me write more, so keep checking in, part 2 will be today!!
Publicado por bi69ru
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74 and this makes me so hard
Getting hard reading, thanks
hot :smile: nice seduction