Friday is gardening day.......

Mistress came home late and insisted that I help her get ready for bed, she smelt strongly of man and had clearly been taken by Alexander. I was dressed in my bed shorts and bed tee..... it was a new sensation as I helped her undress and hung up her clothes to feel my now growing breasts push against the inside of my arm, I occassinly got a glimpse of them from the vee neck and this made me feel very horny. Mistress asked me to sit with her as she fell asleep and I don't know why but I did.
I ended up going to bed quite late and the next morning as I was rudely awoken by the alarm I knew I was in for a moody day, I quite simply had not had enough sleep.

Never mind I thought, its Friday which meant the lovely young David was coming round to help me with the garden. I took mistress her early morning drink and we both ate a minimalist breakfast..... I was constantly hungry but being feminine demanded attention to weight.

Mistress left in a late flurry of swearing and muttering, always late to leave, I had always been surprised when she arrived at the church on time, all those years ago!. I retired to the bedroom to shower and begin the days chores. Having showered and given myself a generous douche I sat in front of the mirror and surveyed myself.

My breasts were now pert and the nipples in an almost permanent state of arousal. They were not big but would be described by most men as a hand full ..... just, but no more. My hair had been lightened and having grown out now tumbled onto my shoulders. The semi permanent eye lashes gave me a slightly hooker look to my eyes, my natural brown eyes were perfectly framed by my eye brows, on closer inspection, these looked like they needed some attention. The weight loss had accentuated my cheek bones and my face was becoming increasingly feminine with the accurate application of make up. My finger and toe nails were perfectly manicured with gel applications.

The laser treatment had done its trick and no hair now grew anywhere on my body, below my eyebrows, mistress had complained at the bills from the salon but agreed it was the way forward for me. As I had not taken any hormones I still was able to summon a full stiff cock. It was my clitoris with which I could penetrate men and women. It was a full 9 inches long and slim not fat.

I suddenly decided to have some treatments to improve my nails, have my make up done, another lesson and to have my eyebrows trimmed. I rang the salon and booked myself in.

I didn't have long to wait as they would see me almost immediately. I wriggled into some lacey boy shorts, tucking my clitoris out of the way. Put on a pair of baggy pale blue silk trousers, a a matching grey baggy silk top that either dropped off one shoulder or the other. I put on a pair of 2 inch kitten heel sling backs and waited for the taxi to arrive. The phone rang and announced the taxi would be with me in 45 minutes. Too late I thought and I decided to take my car out for the first time in almost 6 months. I had bought the vintage Morris Minor on a whim and having spent a fortune doing it up It was my pride and joy.

Taking my keys, clutch bag and credit card I swept out of the door and headed to the salon. I reversed the car down the drive way and slowly headed to the salon. Well in an almost 50 year old car you certainly don't zoom along. When I arrived my hair was all tousled and wind swept. The ladies soon got me sorted. I asked for light and bright make up and soft bronzes and play colours were used. My toe and finger nails were painted to match and as I paid and walked out I felt wonderful.

I drove down the road and was not really paying attention when I suddenly heard a police siren behind me, I pulled over to let them past and the car sk**ded in front of me and stopped. Two police officers got out the car and as the put their hats on they walked back towards me. There was a young officer and an older slightly more portly officer. The portly officer said. "We stopped you because you indicator is not working properly, I was then aware that the left indicator that raises out of the door pillar was stuck on and was blinking. I unbuckled my seat belt, which for a car of that age I did not need to wear. I opened the door and walked round to the indicator and applying the gentlest pressure it dropped back. The old cop said "You don't have any road tax on your car" I know I purred, the car is a vintage and therefore doesn't need either road tax or an MOT. It is insured officer I assure you. He looked grumpy. His younger colleague asked me for my details. I went red and I think he realised my dilemma, thank fully the older cop was looking round the car. The younger cop gently touched my arm and said "its okay" I could have sweared he winked at me. He was cute and in his mid to late 20's. I felt me cock stir in its panties. I blatantly looked at his crotch then back to his eyes. There was both a swelling and a smile on his face. I touched his hand and thanked him and as I got into the car I carelessly let the shoulder drop almost exposing a complete breast to the young officer. He then did smile and said "Take care and drive safely" The older cop had already got back in his car and I invitingly said "I hope to see you again" he tipped the brim of his hat and got back into the patrol car. They roared off.

The rest of the drive home was uneventful. On Arriving home I put the car back in the garage and having switched on the dehumidifier to continue preserving the car I went inside.

I made myself a stiff drink and looking outside I could see David working in the Garden. I unlocked the back door and walking outside he turned and ran towards me wrapping his arms around me and kissing me. I was a little surprised and said steady on David, the neighbours will talk. You look amazing he said. Looking at his sweaty bare torso I returned the compliment and said I was going inside to change.

I went up to my bedroom and quickly stripped, my cock hung limply between my legs and my breast jutted out in a most feminine way. I decided to wear a slightly stretch fit button down the front style dress in yellow and white. I went braless, but wore a pair of white lacey panties, it was too warm for stockings so I simply slipped my feet into a pair of 2 inch heeled sandals with open toes. I squirted on some perfume and bounced down stairs. My breasts bouncing as I went.

I opened the back door and called David in for a drink. We had a glass of lemonade and he was continually paying me compliments and trying to kiss me and goad me into having sex with him. I just brushed him off with promises of sex when the job had been done..... he complained but when I reminded him he was going to be paid he went back to work.

I did help him in the garden and a couple of times I did run my hand over his strong back and caress his perfect bottom. At one point I was emptying his trimming bucket and he walked behind me and grabbing me from behind kissed me on the back of my neck, it sent a shiver down my spine and I turned and kissing him full on the mouth caressed his swollen and bulging pants. I slowly unzipped his fly and with some doing removed his painfully erect cock. I knelt in front of him and looking up through my long lashes, slid the whole cock into my mouth, pushing the head through my throat and deeper it went. I looked at his eyes as they rolled and closed. I slowly withdrew his cock cleaning the head and tip with my tongue. I tucked him away and said coyly. "Just half an hour more and you get you full reward". I stood up and swayed as I walked away. I heard him start to breath again with a big sigh. "You are such a tease" he called after me. I ignored him and continued walking back to the house. I had a job to do. I needed to be clean myself out for the arse fucking this young man was going to give me.

I cleaned my self throughly and as the temperature was dropping decided I would like to wear stockings. I put on a pale pair of lemon lace tops. I decided to dispense with the panties. I fluffed my hair, re applied my lip stick and walked down stairs. David was waiting in the kitchen all sweat and testosterone. At that very moment the door bell rang.....

I almost ripped the door off its hinges and there framed by the golden setting sun was the young policeman. I was silhouetted by the setting sun and knew in my dress it would be almost see through. I moved in several directions showing both my braless state and also my cock would have been perfectly silhouetted! Hello I said, biting the corner of my lip. The officer looked embarrassed and I put my finger to his lips. "I have company, I said, come in quietly and sit in the front room," I was whispering. I will get rid of the visitor as soon as I can then I'm all yours" He smiled and came inside quietly and into the front room. I walked back into the kitchen and as I did so I undid two buttons on the top of the dress and three at the bottom. My breasts were almost hanging out and my stocking were visible as I walked and occasionally my cock peeped out the front of the dress. David smelled as I walked towards him and he reached out and taking my cock as you might a cigar slipped it into his eager mouth and he began to suck. After a very short while he asked, "Who was that at the door" Delivery man but had the wrong address I said panting at the exquisite pleasure of his cock sucking skills. I eased his head back onto my cock and he eagerly sucked.... I could feel my cock growing and his sucking increased in intensity as he applied both suction and movement with his lips rapidly rubbing the length of my swollen shaft. As I felt the beginnings of my orgasm I pushed him back into his chair and kneeling in front of him released his cock.

I opened my mouth and in one swift movement both enveloped it and pushed it deep into my throat. I applied maximum suction and within a dozen strokes I felt his balls tightened and his warm semen fill my mouth, I greedily swallowed every drop. As I suspected soon after coming David looked shy and I knew he could not wait to leave. I gently kissed him on the lips and pushing £50 in his hands thanked him for his hard work and said I would see him again on Monday. He left by the back door.

As I turned around the young cop was walking across the kitchen floor. He took me in his arms and kissed me very passionately. He must have been able to taste David's semen but he was hungry. His hands were snaking all over my body, rubbing my swollen cock and squeezing my breasts. His head bobbed down and he pulled my right, then left nipple into his mouth, expertly nibbling and sucking simultaneously. I gently eased him away and said "Easy tiger, I don't even know your name" My name is "Chris" he replied. I gently pecked him on the lips and asked him if he was hungry for food rather than sex. He threw me a wicked smile. I have some steak in the fridge if you fancy some meat! That drew another smile.

Sit I siad, let's take this slowly, have a drink, have some food and then see where it leads us. Fuck that he said, I both want and need you, let me love you in my own special way and then in the after glow we can have some food and drink together. That sounded so appealing as he began to nibble my nipple again and I opened my legs as he began to massage my hairless cock......

Chris scooped me into his arms and headed upstairs. I let me head fall onto his chest and whimpered imagining what was to come.

On entering my bedroom he gently lowered me onto the bed. I let my dress fall open and my left breast hung tantalisingly out the side, the front had also parted revealing my hairless cock. Chris looked at me seductively as he quickly stripped...... as he removed his boxer shorts I caught sight of the largest cock I had ever seen. It was long and thick, resembling...... well a babies arms. I hung semi erect between his legs.

He walked to the bed and as he began to kiss me he undid the last few buttons on my dress and pulled it from beneath me. He turned his attention back to my breasts and nibbled, plucked and took me as close as I have ever been to a breast orgasm..... I was quivering under his expert touch. Intetween kisses he managed to blurt out that he had dreamed of meeting someone like me...... He turned me onto my side so my back was towards him, he massaged my anus and slipped several fingers inside, widening me ready for the onslaught of his monster. It would be fair to say like a virgin field he ploughed me. I was met with a mixture of intense pleasure mixed with pain as his massive cock pushed its way into me. Chris slowly and rhythmically made love to me. He reached over and played with my boy clit and massaged my breasts. The pleasure was intense beyond belief. His thrusts became more intense and urgent and then he seriously ploughed me with deep full length stokes intent on satiating his need to come. I felt him tense and ribbons of sperm erupt deep within me. I flexed my anal muscles and tried to milk ever last drop from him.... his kissed my neck and sighing heavily said.... thank you that was just insanely good. I rolled round as his cock slipped from me and kissed him sensitively on the lips, he smiled and slipping under the covers began to suck my semi erect cock, it stiffened and it was not long before ehe brought me to a hip bucking orgasm.

He cuddled me for what seemed ages and then I heard the front door slam.

Chris looked shocked but I said relax, its Mistress, I winked, my wife, she will be cool. As I got up I thought my legs would give way as they trembled with the intense anal invasion I had just experienced. Chris stood and I then realised my anus was gapping and sperm was freely running down my legs. I called down stairs to Mistress that I had company and that I was going to shower, she was to fix herself a drink then I would sort supper.

Taking Chris by the hand I led him to the shower and as the hot water caressed our bodies I knew I had found my lover.....

To be continued
X Simone X

Publicado por LaceTops4U
8 años atrás
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rincwind75 3 años atrás
Please: I beg of you.


We need more.

Icelandic someone loving this.
rincwind75 3 años atrás
This, all of these chapters are the best thing i have ever read.


More, is there chance for more of these perfect chapters?
Rachelmeemee 3 años atrás
Loved these stories its been  years now can we have some more please x