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Nearby, but always out of reach, United States
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About Check out my created and favorited GIFs! I'm super proud of my taste in them and I think you'll enjoy them. My stream is where I add the very best I've seen. Feel free to DM me about anything and everything! I love chatting with strangers (whether it's sexual or not). I mostly make GIFs from others' videos. If anyone wants me to delete a GIF I've made, feel free to DM me and I'll do so. I find it curious that we so casually ask people to be able to accurately encapsulate themselves in the few short words that fill a space such as this. I'm not sure anyone knows themself. Even if they did, all the confounding and beautiful complexities of a person surely could not be written down. I'm not sure I know enough about me to tell anyone who I am. I typically like to just meet people and let them form their own perceptions of me.

Last Login:
1 week ago
Relationship Status:
My hometown was the absence of a hometown.
Nearby, but always out of reach
"United States"
Interests and Hobbies:
Bringing up profound and philosophical discussions in places they might not be expected. Here, for example. I also quite like talking to strangers and learning the new perspectives of others. I am, of course, interested in porn as well. That's why I'm here after all :D.
Favorite Movies and TV Shows:
Movies: In Bruges, Snatch, Kung Fu Hustle, Schindler's List, Barbie, Donnie Darko, Lord of the Rings (all), UHF, Tropic Thunder, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Memento, etc. Shows: Various anime, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Supernatural, The Sandman, American Gods, etc.
Favorite Music:
Mr. Bungle is an incredible band. My taste in music encompasses all kinds of random shit though. I like esoteric stuff that blends genres and styles quite a bit. That doesn't mean I'm not rocking out to the stuff everyone else is though. I get down to everything from Mongolian throat singing to Shakira to obscure jazz. Going through a massive rabbit hole of Frank Zappa, King Crimson, and other eccentric and unusual sounding bands lately. If anyone happens to read this and has recommendations, DEFINITELY DM me them!
Favorite Books:
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, King Solomon's Mines by Sir Henry Rider Haggard, The Stranger by Albert Camus, and maybe Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series? Oh, and the Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman!
Turn Ons:
Open-mindedness and willingness to challenge one's own systems of perception and judgement to consider a point a view that is new. A sense of wonder and enthusiasm for the world gets me going too. For some reason confident and assertive (but not in a dickish way) people make me flustered a bit. Especially women. I also really like heels and lingerie. Especially people who talk passionately about something. I could listen to such people rant about their interests for the rest of my life with a content smile.
Turn Offs:
Demeaning, dehumanizing (all porn is dehumanizing to some extent. It's the egregious stuff that bothers me), and disrespectful behavior. Also judgment of others, closed-mindedness, and just plain being rude (unless it's a kinky thing with consent).
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