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Start Free Week of Pornhub PremiumHey everyone, I love pussy a lot! My favorite is when people show off and spread their stuff wide. I'm more into ASS than anything else and have been exploring more with an open mind. I'm a straight dude, but I've been Bi-curious more and more recently. I've discovered that I actually love beating up my own butt, after some time of reluctance. There's just something about stretching my asshole and making it gape that I really enjoy, it's fun! The feeling of a huge cock pressing on your prostate and making you squirt is hard to describe... I have a grower not a shower. When I'm flaccid I have a tiny dick, maybe 2", although when I get hard it's a more average size at about 6". Most of the time I wear a chastity device to hide and control my little guy, I figure nobody actually wants to play with it anyways. Although I'll gladly get on my knees and spread my cheeks to show off my booty. I hope you'll do the same!
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