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Start Free Week of Pornhub PremiumNot in the game in real life anymore, but love to relive the good old days and chat about fantasies. Mostly into cuckold sex, though I'm willing to think more expansively when I'm in the mood. Professional woman at the office, but love to be dominated in the bedroom, especially while my husband watches. No hook-ups. No video chat. No phone sex. No picture swap. No texting. No "let's go to a different site." I used to be okay with guys asking as long as they didn't mind being told "no." But it's gotten so repetitive and tiresome that now even asking is likely to lead to a block. But if you're into the same things I am and you'd like to chat, feel free to contact me. Please say something besides "hi" so I can tell you've actually read my profile and know what I'm into.
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