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Start Free Week of Pornhub PremiumI've barebacked since high school; I practiced bottoming on straight guys with girlfriends that didn't put out for some reason. They had blue balls and begged to get them emptied, in their most heterosexual demeanor. They never used condoms, thinking I can't get pregnant, so they had no fear of pumping me with as much jock juice that was in their low hanging balls. They came buckets; they fucked me furiously to where I'd loose my breath, impaling me until that last thrust, and waves of cum filled my hole and spilled down my legs. Men have given me so much to work with on my sexual prowess. There's even a few Daddies that email me long recordings of themselves, not even videos, just recorded sound tracks of themselves jerking off and disclosing their hot fantasies and stories so I get off on them. Some nights were I'd put on my headphones and jerk to them for a few hours while my roommate was fast asleep, and I'd cum and to the lustful rambles and stories of their lives.
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