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Start Free Week of Pornhub PremiumI make noise... no I mean like the "music" genre. Look up Merzbow on google, I am most definitely not that good. But I am heavily inspired by his work, so much so that I mimic the same techniques. For example I pin contact microphones to sheets of metal and scratch things on it. This is then picked up by the microphones (sometimes more than one) and fed into distortion pedals, Just your basic overdrive or what have you. I may toss in a bit of echo, but then I feed that into my pc often at very high amplitude and I have observed this having odd effects on my pc, but then I use simple programs like audacity to really pull out those sounds. I make it stereo too. This sound kind of neat? look me up on bandcamp or soundcloud... buddog18. Oh and I have a theremin too.
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