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Start Free Week of Pornhub PremiumYet another update: A (assumed recently added) friend apparently has been reporting my videos for DMCA . So the last five people that were friended will be unfriended and we'll take it from there. No new requests are being approved at this time. Updated to be more specific: Please don't friend request if you don't have a good amount of private videos that indicates you are anything more than a leecher (leechers=a few videos that are found public everywhere else, and/or includes videos of you jerking off; if that is your thing, fine, but don't think that this makes you more marketable). Strictly into hardcore SF stuff; if you don't have the same sort of material to share, then I am not interested. It's nothing personal. If you have no videos and constantly re-request as a friend I'll mark you as spam. Oh and if you have previously accepted a friend request from me, downloaded all of my videos, and then unfriended me, there is zero chance that you get accepted. That IS personal
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