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Happened to my huge time crafted Playlist? PORNHUB destroyed all....... SERIOUSLY?? What a fucking 2020 years. JUST GO TO HELL. Now..... It's no more my favourite community.. It was fantastic for LGBTQIA++ people like me... But now... That my 70+ Playlists has been anihilated 😥(( Videos gone, pictures gone... Even my avatar is gone..... I'm felling so... Stupid..STUUUUUUUUUPID and sad so SAAAAAAD.. I want cry. I think first that I... end just closing my account. I hate wasting my time. I hate you Pornhub. But if I understand what it state here:***dsextra***c***g Then... I can understand why you purged many accounts.. I'm really not sure what to say about this.. But.. On your site I never discovered such of content. To any new or old friends or subscribers on my account... I will destroy all playlists with 0 videos inside.. And reorganize all my nuked Playlists.. When Pornhub will be remain far away from that accusations.. Sorry, for the time waiting.. I'm feeling like I wasted so much time to organize themed Playlists... Will share with you some toughts and also what those "Verified" Models think of us which we lost everything hardly worked on playlists and albums, and videos or pics... So... some insights from me on what the situation is now. @Succubus Sin (and others some verified models): What you wrote in English (and allegate many comments with that) "All the broke and cheap people are leaving. Bye" (meaning that in French: Tous les gens fauchés et bon marché partent. Au revoir") is really stupid from your part. You insult directly your fanbase. I'm OK for paying content, but can't do it due to the "VISA/MASTERCARD/DISCOVER" ban. So, small love, just shut your mouth up, please, respect us as we respected you! Some people said they will wait to the situation goes back to normal one... :  Normal? Nothing would be normal after that. Seriously, open your eyes, people unverified had their playlists, favourites, see later videos, pics, albums, profile pic, profile background gone, in like what 1 hour... Even those unverified users that are simply users not uploaders..... That's for sure NEVER be normal again. Take that for acquired! Some people said they now want a fan club reopening : A fan club without viewers would be fun. Judging the situations, people will go elsewhere. Some people porn in 2020.. : No.. Porn stills exists but no more on Pornhub. To all "verified" "models" that you found it's funny people lost everything... : if you find that sooo funny people lost everything. Poor behavior. Just shove your head in sand and hide you, you doesn't have tolerance and understandings to have our supports, the "unverified" users supports. To anyone that uploaded stuff.. : Well done.... Look what you done to a positive community, you teared us in two factions, the "verified" and the "unverified" users!!! GO TO HELL! To Pornhub staff : Bring me back my avatar and background pics or at least let me upload new ones!! If not.. I just will move at a more respectful place Personal Thought : Pornhub... Was a place for me to express my deepest desires freely. I'm not a boy, not a girl, so, the feminization or s!ss! content was for me a very good mater to be myself.. At least somewhere... ALL best content on pornhub (for me, including those amazing PMV, JOI, Hentai and cie...) is now gone.. All it left is boring videos of girls or boys doing same thing during hours... Pornhub removed creative contents under the investigations pressure... And financial pressure... What a dumbass year.. Personal Thought : I agree strongly on the fact that content should be removed... But.. Why is creative content is always the first category of content that is emoved... Why the boring ones such 1h repeating the same thing (from those "professionals" ) are not.. Justice acting like a financial judgements.. Personal Thought : I'm feeling sad.. All creative content is gone, want really cry.. Some models (verified ones, of course... the one who was not nuked by Pornhub..) told me (or to us in comments in Pornhub Blogs, that we (unverified users) are just cheap people, broken people... I want tell to each of those "persons" : Stop acting egoistic... Some of us just are here for pleasure not exposure. If you want be exposed, it's your choice, not ours. The fact is we lost a lot of our Playlists, a lot of our Favorites, a lot or our work... All wasted by egoistic decision. We will see if you will continue support PH when your content or account will be down due a random investigation. Now just think more of only yourself... Think community. It's the community that give you money.. Not yourself... If community is disappointed, the community will just disappear and your income from the lost community, too. Ok.. You will have some of your fans remaining.. But that's the newest people that give more visibility, not old fans. Some people (verified of course), told us (unverified users) that it's normal if we don't do a backup of our datas... I answer them : Tell me if you save all videos or pics from content you see and not content you produce, just think twice before speaking. People (always those verified one), told us (unverified users) that's temporarily and will be back soon enough if all people who lost something have an account verified... which I answer them : What you can't understand in that simple phrase? "All unverified was nuked!".... I agree that verified people that became unverified or unverified can recover their status and badge... But many (pics/videos/playlists/accounts/inspirational indie video) unverified content FROM OLD (perhaps dead) UPLOADERS are definitively down ! From my viewpoint, I will affraid to verify my account to a porn site (which in first doesn't respected me aswell...) : I don't want verify my account.. Guess why? Because ALL SITES ONE DAY GOT AND OUR PERSONAL DATAS THROWING IN THE STREET.. Just think twice before verify an account on a porn site. AS you can see... Pornhub doesn't care of their community, they only care for their income. You're so naive. Wake up mates! To anyone or to Pornhub staff : My Playlists, allwell themed didn't had content.. And they wiped everything I hard worked hours and months! Just a cruelty year... Finally I will end with that for tonight : Verified content is boring. It's like AAA games.. Big Graphics Productions but nothing new. Indie games are likely how true not simulated, not faked sex content is, it take the risk and advantage of trying new things that never tryied by before, and sometimes, it's very inspirational for some others.
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❤️ Wellcum in my intimity !! ❤️ I'm pansexual & genderfluid, but Sissy content deshinibed me even more to try new things. ❤️ Currently thinking to try crossdressing. ―― Pushing furthermore my genderfluidity. Want learning for clothing and makeup. Advice me and help me by talking me ;) ―― So, would REALLY love learn advices. Experiences from girls or why not some crossdressers, help me. ❥―❥―❥ Sometimes a ♂boy, sometimes a ♀girl, in ⚤mind, emotions and needs (sexually, clothing, thoughts, gestuals, feminine all long being a bit gender masculine). ❤️ Loving all sort of porn, especially ⚪ Sissy (Captions/Encouragement and smooth subjugation in order to help myself to affirm visually my girly side I always had through my sexuality). ❥―❥―❥ In few months: I plan start using makeup and start playing into crossdressing me. ❥―❥―❥ Once done: Will publish photos of me (face masked) here on Pornhub for getting your feedback for my crossdress! ❥―❥―❥ Friend me: I Need YOU to get feedback on how I'm skilled or not!

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