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care11 3 months ago
Daddy should always have the final say in discipline, and sometimes that involves "private discipline".
CharmingUnity6 8 months ago
Whats the name of the male spanker? I'd be quite happy to go over his knee :wink:
tobiasj 8 months ago
The young lady has a gorgeous arse for spanking and caning but the aunt (or whoever she is) should have also been caned for her lack of ability to hold the cane properly. For a proper and effective caning she should not hold the cane half way down the shaft. She should have received at least 12 hard strokes on her own bare bottom with the cane held at full length to make sure she gets it right next time.
chas2014 8 months ago
Only caught a brief glimpse of her cunt.
Lawldm 2 years ago
Very nice spankable botom
robbo1234561 2 years ago
Gorgeous ass for caning xxx I have to say that I completely agree with FloggyBottoms and the Lady should be starkers and each time she failed to land a proper stroke ( what I consider a proper stroke ) then she would receive a severe six from me , and then she'd get that beautiful ass rogered for her XXX
FloggyBottoms 3 years ago
You're a man after my own heart.  All through this bullshit video all I could think of was whipping the mother/aunty/whomever the fuck she is.  And neither the aunty nor the uncle know how to use a cane.  I'd make the aunty cane the brat, the aunty starkers, and every time she didn't deliver what I consider a good stroke she would get an evil one from Moi.  Then I'd bugger aunty till her eyes popped out.
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ElSpankador 3 years ago
Gorgeous ass, fills her panties perfectly. Didn't need to see her sat on the John though!
chas2014 4 years ago
Nice glimpse of her boobs at 21:25
chas2014 4 years ago
She didn’t have a red bottom after the spanking and no marks after being caned. Poor. I’d like to personally cane the mother