
What's up with Buck? I honestly have no idea So years ago buck and I started as more than friends but I was looking for more than just sex and told him I needed friends. He wanted to give me what I wanted. He came and hung out with me and watched shows like Dr Who that he would never have watched otherwise. He proved that he didn't just wanna fuck me and that made me want to fuck him. When I tried he wouldn't go for it he said I'd been very clear about what I wanted and he refused me. HE REFUSED ME!!! Since then we chat a bit I see him around sometimes but he's always a gentleman. Well exce… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 1 year ago 2


If I start a discord will you join? If you would because you wanna see some new content comment below.… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 1 year ago 6


Jenga is a good friend of mine like the kind friend that shows up to help you move ya know what I mean. Nothing physical has ever happened between us. He is my camping buddy and I love to go hiking and camping. Jenga and I also drink together and he's spent many a night on my couch. When I get dr**k I like to play dress up so Jenga has seen me in all kinda of skimpy little things and has seen me change from one outfit to the next. so he's seen me top less more than once or twice. If you remember the skinny dipping pictures (I posted awhile back before xham gutted my content) Jenga was asleep o… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 2 years ago 4


Captain America is my lover. I've given him the name Captain America here because he's basically a grown up boy scout a real hero type the kinda guy who saves kittens from trees professionally. He's extremely fit and looks like he should be on the cover of a fireman's calendar. He's was the first guy to play with my tits back when we were both virgins and we've been lovers more or less ever since when it's convenient. Ragnar is not fond of Captain even though they've never actually met but he still allows me my freedom. The last time I fucked Captain I wore a red tank top and a black mini s… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 2 years ago 4

Who's who

Ragnar is my boyfriend we've been together for several years now. I love him so much. He makes me so happy and takes such good care of me he is truly amazing. Will is kinda of my ex but we're really just friends now and haven't slept together in years. Will is one of mine and Ragnar's closest friends he's probably Ragnar's best friend and yes Ragnar knows about my history with Will. Will is around a lot he is our DM when we play D&D we do all kinds of nerdy stuff together from various games to binging shows. Captain America is my lover. Ragnar knows but he isn't a fan of Captains. Jenga… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 2 years ago 8

Have you missed me?

Have you missed me? I've missed it here. I've missed you... looking at me, enjoying my content, telling me how you want me or what you'd want to do to me, and I've missed confiding in you. I'm not always so sure of myself and you give me confidence. This is the longest I've ever been away and I'm sorry for that I was really upset when they locked all my pictures. I didn't have any trouble setting up my live cam page that's connected to this page. I've had nothing but problems verifying this page but I'm ready try again. Wish me luck hopefully everything works out and I can post some new conte… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 2 years ago 3

changes this year

Hey everyone ^_^ I've missed you all. I'm sorry I haven't been on, and that I haven't been posting anything. A lot has changed for me this year. It's good. I moved this year and I love my new place. I got a promotion a work. I now have my former bosses job. I am the boss. How weird is that with as submissive as I can be lol. I've always considered myself a switch so don't be suprised if I'm not as submissive as you remember. Really it depends on my mood. I have a boyfriend. We've been seeing eachother for almost 10 months. I'm definitely the dominant one, but I still enjoy sexually su… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 7 years ago 15

the lesbian is staying again tonight

So I never told you what happens last time she stayed and I guess I should start there.... well we hung out drank and played video games she did sleep in bed with me and the next morning she got me worked up cuz she was rubbing up and down my legs but when she tried to kiss me I pulled away She's been to my place several times since then but tonight she is going to come and stay the night and drink with me againbut she doesn't know what we are going to do I told her to bring extra clothes to change into and to wear comfy stuff but I wouldn't tell her why my play tonight after we've had a… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 8 years ago 9

fmf 3way with jax

So Jax was at my place with me and we are really good friends and it was just starting to get late I Jax in a pair of batman ok pants and a black tank top my hair was pulled back but half assedly no makeup no bra nothing cute I wasn't trying to impress Jax he'd probably be staying with me that night he has slept in bed next to me dozens of time with out touching me we really are just friends not that we've never done anything but not recently... So he was sitting next to me we were watching TV and he was texting this girl the one that had been sending him.pictures the night before he had sh… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 22

new and old heart break old and new

Ok so first I've had 2 full chapters of my life that i havent said anything about... Remember the new guy that I met when I went out looking for a place to party on my birthday but then hedidnt text me .. well he eventually did and I knew when I gave him my number that he wasn't from my state he was in town to see family I also knew he would be back the next month well we talked all day every day every chance we had till he came back and I waited for him the night he came back he stayed with me that night we had talked before about limits I had asked him if he'd still want to stay with me… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 6


OK so I gave the guy that cancelled on me a second chance I asked him to come over and watch a movie with me he said yes but then the day if he cancelled on me again The other day I was out shopping and I had a soldier hit on me i c soldiers around from time to time cuz there is a base close by I gave him my number and he wanted to take me out to dinner but I didn't go cuz as we talked more I found out he isn't from around here and is only here for training he is leaving tomorrow and not coming back I went out the night before last checking out different places trying to figure out wher… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 7

he cancelled

Well my idk if it was a date or not cancelled at least this one let me know he wouldn't make it said he was having car trouble but after I got stood up for Halloween I can't help but think its just an excuse And ive been having nightmares and my phone wasnt working so I'm all depressed and shit its been a horrible few days I was really looking forward to tonight only to be let down again… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 9

idk if its a date or not

OK so I made plans to go out with this guy FRIEND sat and at first I thought it was just as friends to hang out but now I think he may have been asking me out on a date He seems like a nice enough guy but I'm at the point where I'm about to give up on men and I think I'd be happier if it was just as friends I'd love to go out and have a fun time and if we did I'm sure I'd eventually end up wanting to be more than friends but I don't want to go out with him for the first time of it being just us and not a group of people and him come on to me and me shoot him down and then things just get… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 7

Halloween night

So I already told u I was stood up on Halloween that I was late cuz I'd been waiting on him and I missed the costume contest but I went out anyway and I did have fun while I was even if I was only out for just over 2 hours and I spent more than that waiting on gambit :-\ Anyway once I got there I never once sat down I spent most of my time dancing and mingling everyone loved my costume I even had one girl that danced with me several times and even stuck her face in my tits I liked that I had a few guys hitting on me I told some of them I'd been stood they all said he was a fool one of the… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 8

stood up again

I was stood up again tonight I had made plans to go out with gambit it was a big deal may boss had even asked me to make an appearanceat a party she was going to be at and he knew it he knew what a big deal oof was to me he knows how much I love Halloween I talked to him earlier today confirmed the time and everything and now nothing he isn't answering my calls or texting me back I look great and feel horrible like seriously its all I can do keep from crying he is the one that has been asking to c me for months but never again I've already told him I never want to talk to him again that I do… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 18

mixed feelings

OK so I have some seriously mixed feelings first off will came over the other night he needed my help with his costume and we had a great time we always do nothing physical happened but we did model some different stuff we r both really into cosplaying and Halloween and we r planing on do so again together even coordinating outfits and taking pictures and stuff He got to c me is some sexy stuff that I know got to him I could c it in the way he looked at me he wasn't trying to hide it we did use to sleep together but like I said we didn't do anything physical and I was OK with that I really was… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 6

that hurt

OK so I've been hanging out with will a decent amount recently we haven't been doing anything sexual he hasn't stayed the night since the last blog post but the last time he did stay over he slept in bed with me and we didn't do anything So nothing sexual is going on but I still like him even if I'm not trying to hook up with him and I probably would try if he wasn't so hung up on his x gf .... the one that may have cheated on him and then dumped him for the guy she may have cheated on him with But I've been nice and I've been there for him even just as a friend even though he can be a… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 14


Well don't really have much to say cuz I haven't really done anything news worthy :-\ I finally got my maid outfit back from a friend I had loaned it to so I plan on posting some pics of that eventually I've met several new guys but no one worth mentioning I meet them I c them once or twice and then.... nothing several of them r still trying to c me but I just don't care I've been talking to Will again he has been over a few times stayed up late helping him with a paper that was due the next day he has even slept over twice recently and he is the one that was trying to hook me up w… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 14

we talked

Ok so the new guy and I talked again today I told him that I may go out tomorrow night and asked if I'd get to c him if I did... :-\ Well he said that he didn't know and had a very good reason he also said that he didn't want to tell me he would and then it not happen cuz he didn't want to go back on something after he had said it I can appreciate that even if it is a little disappointed and he does have a good reason So I guess everything is OK I mean we r talking and thats nice it is but I just kind feel like I'm expecting it to go wrong like I can't except that it could.... i don'… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 5

the game

I maybe a nerd girl that loves games like Zelda but now I playing texting games and I don't care for it Who will text who first? How long does it take them to text u back? How long should u wait to text them back? "When I text u its cuz I miss u when I don't text u it cause I'm waiting for u to miss me" If u text all the time your needy if u don't text enough u don't care... I really don't like this game So the new guy... I didn't fuck him but he did spend the night with me the other day I had hoped he would text me that day but I wasn't really expecting it most people won't tex… Read more

Posted by Zedoary 9 years ago 4