Funny Dirty Jokes .. Part II

girl - baby im wet. Boy - want a paper towel? Girl - no, i want more then that ;) Boy - want 2 paper towels? Girl - no, baby i want sumthing big and round ;) Boy - damn you want the whole roll? HAHA :P… Read more

Posted by WildNymph 10 years ago 4

Dirty JOKES , Make u Lough HAHAHAHA

A little boy and his friends are being called bastards and bitches by bullies at school. The boy goes home and asks, "Dad, what are bastards and bitches?" And his dad replies, "Bitches are ladies and bastards are gentlemen." Then the boy goes upstairs to see his mom. As he enters the room, he accidentally drops a perfume bottle, and his mom says, "Shit!" "Mom, what is shit?" and she says, "Perfume." So he goes to see his dad (who is carving a chicken), and his dad cuts himself and yells, "Fuck!" The boy asks, "Dad, what does fuck mean?" and dad says "preparing." Then he follows his dad upstair… Read more

Posted by WildNymph 10 years ago 13

10 Reasons Why Sex Should Weit Until Marriage

1 Sex is a powerful force that can destroy if not used properly. Like atomic power, sex is the most powerful creative force given to man. When atomic power is used correctly it can create boundless energy; when it is used in the wrong way it destroys life. Sex is the same kind of powerful force. Sex is a gift from God to give us the greatest pleasure, to help in creating a deep companionship with one's spouse and for procreation of the next generation. But if you play with this powerful force outside the bounds of marriage, it destroys you and those close to you. 2 Sexual activity for… Read more

Posted by WildNymph 10 years ago 4