Thanks to everyone who submitted comments and elevated me from newbie to porn lover. I actually did not know until recently how to have my status elevated. I think I owe the community a live show in the near future. Look for the date/time anything goes no charge, suggestions encouraged!… Read more
== Results from == 100% Exhibitionist 99% Voyeur 98% Rope bunny 98% Degradee 96% Submissive 91% Slave 89% Pet 88% Experimentalist 81% Non-monogamist 78% Masochist 73% Ageplayer 70% Primal (Prey) 68% Boy/Girl 66% Brat 19% Vanilla 4% Primal (Hunter) 3% Dominant 0% Rigger 0% Daddy/Mommy 0% Owner 0% Master/Mistress 0% Sadist 0% Degrader 0% Switch 0% Brat tamer… Read more
HRT update!
I'm so sorry for being neglectful and not giving updates on how my HRT is progressing, The first month started off good for me and then around week 6 I ended up an infection in my shoulder which required hospitalization and several months of IV antibiotics which meant a halt to my transition until May of last year (2022). I switched to a new provider and was once again off and running! I started on Estradiol, Finasteride and Progesterone and other than around day 10 when I became as horny as a 16 year old school gurl version of myself the first 3 to 4 months were rather uneventful not real no… Read more
Starting HRT Today!
I'm so excited!!! I'm finally starting HRT/GAHT today. Feeling like a little school girl as I start the next phase of my transition.I can't wait to actually start feeling and seeing the effects!… Read more