Last seen 10 hours ago
Porn Lover
2071 days on xHamster
3.9K profile views
1.8K subscribers
56 comments left
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About me
I'm a very vigorous young man, I travel the world a lot in the mining areas, because I work as a mining engineer for a contractor, so it allows me to meet a lot of people and I am here to meet new ones as well. I am very calm by nature and very discreet I also look for the same people that I meet. on the sexual side good since I am in my mid thirties although I still have a lot of energy, I am very enduring with very abundant ejaculations.
Thank you in advance for subscribing to it. I put a video of me and obviously I expect very hot comments from you and especially do not hesitate to put it in your favorites!
I would like to know what you would like to see in the next one so that my profile is much more enticing!
Take care you ..
Soft and naughty kisses from a distance .. looking forward to reading you very soon ..
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