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fictional witch

the categories in this place are ludicrous and so are most of our usernames and so are most porn sites, never mind

dear children we are eternally ONE etc etc etc (yes it's Dr Bronner's soap packaging). internet porn = humans sharing a form of vital/delerious form of tap tap tapping

also this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMMS4I6f7o4

piggy: "Knock Knock"
witch: "Who's there?"
piggy: "A hairy little piggy."
witch: "A hairy little piggy who?"
piggy: "Its me, Witchy, your favourite piggy"
witch: "Dear wander-trots, i have no favourites."

(P.S: no favourites means i appreciate you all. is not to suggest i enjoy humiliating you etc. please stop mistaking me with those women caught up in a femdom script. it makes me feel uncomfortable. seems all these slaves are lazy beggars who like to say 'oh please don't tread on my balls mistress" ALL THE WHILE hoping with every bit of their bodies that their designated mistress will stamp on their balls

no skypy and no i won't cam for you

so slurp the lemonade, think a bit, roll about in ribbons, tie the ribbons around your live alive O cock o poles and silver tits. please age yourself by at least two hundred years and please keep your distance

(had to add a fekking disclaimer; everything on this profile is copyright of tightwitch and so she will be making a book of fizzy jizz stories. sooo fucking sad we are all becoming self employed capitalists, but what's a witch to do? can not be arsed to Google Translate the disclaimer in German, please do it yourself. amen)

P.s wish i'd called myself titchwitch, because what is titchy is sweet and tight sounds like 1980's bravado but i can't change my name in Xhamsterland

Englische Hexe, mag Menschen

Die Kategorien an diesem Ort sind lächerlich. So viel Pornografie ist absolut lächerlich

Ist es besser, eine Dokumentation über Bjork zu sehen

Liebe Kinder, wir sind ewig EINS usw. usw. (ja es ist Dr. Bonners Seifenverpackung). Bitte nicht grausam sein und betrachten die Tatsache, dass Internet-Porno könnte eine Form Wiese, wo Menschen eine Form von lebenswichtigen Klopfen zu teilen

Auch dieses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMMS4I6f7o4

Schweinchen: "Knock Knock"
Hexe: "Wer ist da?"
Piggy: "Ein haariges kleines Schweinchen."
Hexe: "Ein behaartes kleines Schweinchen?"
Piggy: "Sein ich, Witchy, Ihr Lieblingspiggy"
Hexe: "Liebe Wandertouren, ich habe keine Favoriten."

(P.S: keine Favoriten bedeutet, ich schätze euch alle ist nicht zu suggerieren, dass ich genießen Sie zu demütigen Sie etc. bitte aufhören, mich zu verwechseln mit diesen Frauen gefangen in einem Femdom-Skript es macht mich unglücklich)

Ich zeige mich nicht in einem Versuch, Pornografie zu sein. Ich war auf der Außenseite suchen in. Ich mag nicht in der Nähe. Ich mag ein Betrachter dieses Cummymaterials sein und ich habe nichts dagegen, Ihnen zu sagen, wie viel ich davon selbst mache. In der Lage sein, ein Betrachter der Sexualität zu sein

Bitte respektieren die Tatsache, dass eine Hexe keinen Wunsch hat, ein Pornostar zu sein. Stoppen Sie mich, Ihnen Videos zu machen. Ich bin hier, um Ihnen Geschichten zu schreiben.

So bitte seien Sie sanft und slurp die Limonade, denken Sie ein bisschen, rollen herum in den Bändern, binden Sie die Bänder um Ihren süßen Hahn oder Brüste und bitte Alter sich durch mindestens zweihundert Jahre das Gespräch zu einer Hexe, wenn Sie zu wünschen
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pepitopichu 6 months ago
I love your collection of favorites, check out mine if you like. I follow you, save your profile in my favorites and request your friendship, even though it seems like your request box is full. The reason I request your friendship is because I have a belief (I don't know if it's entirely true) that this way xhamster will be more likely to show me your new stuff. Anyway, I understand that you don't feel like accepting requests. Greetings and thanks for sharing your favorites.
jati_ati 7 months ago
Very hot vid collection. I love that oral and cum fixation.
Would you like to be friends? : )
heymickey30 1 year ago
Hi there my fav twitchy witch, delighted to see you are still a watcher here, happy new year to you if that's appropriate by the 6th but wish you it all the same. What's your current pleasure?
ErosUndaunted 1 year ago
to tightwitch : Love this. "Sexed-up zip wire to the soul" indeed. Only mine's not sexed up enough alas. I know that one has to limit one's immersion in this pushmepullyou heavenlytoxic place, but really, you must write more. Fondest licks in naughty sweet and fragrant places. x
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coolstewie 1 year ago
Very sad about Sinéad.
tightwitch Host 1 year ago
so sad and deprived of wank bank material to note so many of my favourite videos have been deleted. what's going on dear hamsters? some sort of exodus?
tightwitch Host 1 year ago
to Mufasjg1 : the lazy witch was visiting Xhamster land but not signed into her account is all
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tightwitch Host 1 year ago
to ErosUndaunted : thank you! apologies for late reply, I don't loiter in this place too much these days. Yes I should write more muck, I really do enjoy it. It's good for my health. Hope it's good for your overall health and then the very specific health of your body that is surely a sexed-up zip wire to the soul! honk if you want to go faster!!! meoooowowoowoowww
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tightwitch Host 1 year ago
to humptiedumptied : as a format for a show, yes, it's a beautiful thing! I only tend to listen to a selecta chosen by someone I like for whatever reason, but that's because the archive is online, when I relied on the radio to hear it I just tended to tune in and listen to whoever. something so good about spending time with other people's choices. 
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tightwitch Host 1 year ago
to Commentator321 : hey thanks for your sweet comment, apologies for late response, I've been taking time out from X Hamsterland and ignoring my fictional witch duties 
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humptiedumptied 1 year ago
You are desert island disc fan ?
ErosUndaunted 2 years ago
I have just subscribed to you Tightwitch. For your writing. Please, write more. I shall return.
XxxTVRDI 2 years ago
it seems interesting to me
Mufasjg1 2 years ago
Finally back. I thought you had abandoned the masturbatory universe.
Commentator321 2 years ago
Your comments are golden, great sense of humour. Carry on! 
hornet318 2 years ago
Have a look at my profile 
Balllman 2 years ago
Mmmmmm please add me 
tightwitch Host 2 years ago
your profile isn't visible unless i friend you, i explained i don't add folk unless i can see their profiles first 
tightwitch Host 2 years ago
I don't add folk unless i can see some content on their profiles to get an idea of who they are first 
tightwitch Host 2 years ago
to JoeyB : you go to the mountains! good man. of course you do. i knew you were one of the good ones. some day we will annihilate all the damage and mental ill health caused by capitalism (accelerating things do crumble in time) and then we'll all have fews days to go walk in the mountains. i'm going to blow a french horn all day long on that day i tell you, Joey. and sweet lil furry fekkin creatures are gonna join us. and oh to come across a joey in the river cooling down. i should like that. happy to hear you get the chance to see and do things all folk should have the chance to see and do
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JoeyB 2 years ago
to tightwitch : awesome to hear back from you old desire.  i like to get out in the mountains for a hike early before it gets too hot with my dogs.  great tranquility, physical challenge and amazing views.  later i chill in a river to cool down.  we're just passing summer solstice here and there is plenty of warm weather ahead.  like you i enjoy autumn also.  so many colors heightened by some quality weed.  xoxo
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tightwitch Host 2 years ago
to JoeyB : hoho. ello Joey. lovely to hear from you. yeh i am thanks. had a nice walk foraging for pineapple weed up old lanes in a nice mad old bit of sea side village near where i live after smoking another sort of weed with a chum this evening. walking along old hedgerows in the evening sun and ogling native plants on verges is almost as good as it gets for me. i'm possibly a very boring fictional witch but who gives a toss? not i. though damn it i'd like to get away and see some caves and boulders and mountains! love the evenings and early mornings best. hope summer is being good to you and you're enjoying the days. we're past tipping point now but i love the next bit on into autumn. oh god it's so frikkin good! chin chin old boy x
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videochatman 2 years ago
to tightwitch : ok, understand :wink:
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JoeyB 2 years ago
silly fool to get on the witch's bad side!  hope youre enjoying summer!! xo
tightwitch Host 2 years ago
to videochatman : I'm celibate, and i'm veering towards being a lesbian, cocks are lovely don't get me wrong, i just am happy to say i easily live without it
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videochatman 2 years ago
Hi! You like big cumshots and facials? Look my videos and comment if you like! :wink:
davidknight51uk 2 years ago
add me if you like 
Lickist5 2 years ago
to tightwitch : Hello! Haha. 
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GoonerPornAddict 2 years ago
You sound like a lot of fun :smile:  Beautiful Favorites :smile: