Saturday morning shopping run
Just like most families who do the normal Saturday morning shopping run so do we. After all as much as we'd like to we can't live on porn, cum, pussy cream and piss (poor joke we know) so we do what most others do and Saturday morning shop. Ours is a little different though as JR has really got into taking pete out in public "toyed up" as she puts it. So this morning before we head to the organic markets, JR fitted pete with a new plug we bought for him. Its not the black one that is in the photo's on our site but one with a longer shaft so it fits better in his ass (JR loves to call it his Read more
How to properly face/throat fuck someone!-A THROAT
Hi there guys I'm writing this post so that you guys all know what's expected when/if you meet with me!!! As you should know from my previous post I love to be brutally face and throat fucked!! But it's so surprising how many guys fail at this!!! So here's my face/throat fucking guide for you all!!! 1) you must firmly grab the back of the head (with hands clasped if necessary) so you get a good grip and hold of the head....because you do not want that mouth to escape you and that on cumming onslaught!!!!! 2) plunge that cock deep in the throat (like you would a pussy hole) so that the lips Read more
Crossdressing with my friend
Me and my friend was really drunk and we was talking about girls and he said his sister had a sexy Alice in wonderland costume so i said i would dress up for a laugh and i put the blonde wig on and he got really excited and he said he had an erection and i said i would suck his cock hard and he got lipstick and i put that on and i sucked his cock all night made him cum so many times in one night after i left lipstick all over his cock i put more on and sucked him off i loved the sounds of sucking his cock and i loved when he cum in my mouth i also licked his cock teasing him with just my tongu Read more
seducing my friend
we was in bed at night talking about porn and i said are you getting hard he was like yes so i said let me see i grabbed his cock i said i will give you your first blowjob if you want and i wont tell anyone he said ok i started sucking it he started moaning so much i sucked it so hard he cum after a few minutes he said dont tell anyone please i said dont worry i wont after about 10 minutes he asked for another one so i said ok your horny boy and started sucking his cock again he was like omg and started cumming so much the second time he loved it ;) Read more