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I have been doing urethra insertion since my childhood (about 10) with straightened out bobby pins. Did not know how this would eventually lead to what is called sounding today. Like many others have used paint brush handles working and stretching to about 10mm. Seemed to have reached maximum size I could get inserted, but wanted bigger and found out about meatotomies. Wish had know sooner and since doing it myself have never looked back, the wonderful new nerve endings being exposed from open urethra is fantastic. Now am working on a 15mm hegar sound fully inserted to bladder. Just thinking about it has made me rock hard, may cut more to further extend into a subincision. In the last few years have taken meatotomy and started to extend into subincision with just a few small cuts down from glans which has enhanced feelings of new exposed nerves.
April 19, 2019
I have made another 1/2 cut down to piercing and have a feeling will cut more to a full subincision to scrotum in the future. Just thinking about it has given me one hard cock.
May 22, 2019
Well just finished making another cut on my subincision and cut another 3/8 of an inch with no bleeding at this time. Will post some new photos in next day or two. Can’t wait to see how this heals.
November 4, 2019
It’s been some time coming but this morning while playing with my sounds was able to get a 16.5mm sound fully inserted all the way to bladder, what a rush and intense feeling. Now will start working on long term insertion at this size and then try 17 and 17.5mm.
Dec 27, 2019
Well today was the right time to fully insert a 17 – 17.5 mm sound all the way to prostrate. Had to use a bit of numbing cream to accomplish the insertion but was worth the effort. Took a short videos of getting sound out and will post on profile. Just an awesome and pleasurable feat. Will do again in next few days to keep the urethra stretched out.
Dec 31, 2019
New Years Eve day, 5 am and worked for over an hour to slowly stretch urethra from 12mm to get the 17 -17.5mm inserted all the way again. Left inserted for about 1/2 hour then removed. Have to be honest and say it hurt like hell for about an hour after, but that’s part of the whole process to enlarge for bigger and larger sounds. Next want to work with 18 – 18.5 mm. Wish me good fortune and success.
Jan 4, 2020
Got up early this morning and had the urge to try the 17 – 17.5 mm sound again, started out with a 12 mm and slowly worked up to the 17 – 17.5 mm. Well got it in all the way with a bit of effort, but am more then pleased with ease of the insertion. Just wondering when I will try the next size bigger the 18 -18.5 mm in the set. The key to this increase in size is patience over time, with small size change and then let urethra become accustomed to expanding in girth.
Jan 31, 2020
Early this morning needed to do some sounding as had this underlying urge to get the 17 - 17.5 mm sound inserted again. Can tell you that each time I work up to the bigger sizes it gets easier and easier, I would suspect that maybe next week try and insert the 18 - 18.5 for first time. Need to go slow and not tear the urethra. I’ll keep all updated on success.
April 5, 2020
Well I was able to insert the 18mm about 3 inches the other day, it was a very tight fit and a bit painful. However that has been the process every time I try to go bigger. I'll give it some time and try again later this week. Sitting here typing this I am getting excited and just inserted a smaller sound to start to stretch, who knows maybe yet this morning will try again, wish me success.
April 6, 2020 6 pm
Some time ago (Last April) I mentioned that i was going to extend my Subincision and I have been toying with that idea for a few weeks now. Well today was that day and I have to say was very happy and excited that I was going to finally clamp my penis and cut further down the shaft. So at about 4 pm today got out all my tools and applied the hemostat to the area to be cut and slowly closed until fully notched into the third position. This was about a 1 inch section of urethra and left in place for an hour.and then removed clamp and area was very thin and translucent, so i took a very sharp pair of scissors and cut with very little bleeding. Now will wait until bleeding stops and admire this extension and the new nerves that are exposed. Will take pictures and post very soon as it heals and the final outcome.
April 9, 2020
It’s been 2 1/2 days now since I cut the urethra to extend subincision and must tell you that all is progressing very well. I posted 4 pictures the other day with 3 taken right after cutting which are a bit bloody and the other 12 hours later looking like it’s healing quite well. Today as I just observed the cut has no tell tale signs of any infection and looks very normal. Did some sounding very early this morning and inserted up to 16.5mm, would have gone bigger but came with a lot of cum. Can’t wait to do that again later today.
June 10, 2020
Let's see it's been about 2 months since I last added to my profile and this morning tried to increase size of sounds that I could get in. The extended subincision has healed up very nicely and want to extend again soon. But for sounding this morning started out with 12 mm and was able to get up fully inserted a 17.5mm sound. It took the better part of two hours to increase from 12 to 17.5, but am very happy and excited to keep getting bigger sounds in. One of these days the 18mm will finally go in. Am a bit sore, but that will go away shortly. What that old say; no pain, no gain!
July 31, 2020
Well today was the day I have been working towards for a least 3 years, finally was able to fully insert an 18mm sound all the way to prostrate. The feeling was intense and I know I will hurt for awhile but this means the next time will be a lot easier. Am adding pictures to verify insertion shortly. Not sure what I will do in the future as an 18mm is just short of 3/4 on an inch in diameter.
Sept 2, 2020
Couldn't sleep at around 1 am this morning so came downstairs and started sounding starting with a 15.5mm sound and working up to a 17.5mm. Had to use a bit of numbing cream as this was a quick and fast stretch and insert. Got thinking about my subincision and got out the hemostat and cutting scissors with intent to see if and what amount of pain I was going to have when I was crushing the urethra with hemostat. Was absolutely surprised when I was able on the first squeeze get jaws totally closed. Now there was no reason to back out of extending again my sub. Left in place until paper thin and cut with the scissors cutting about 1/2 inch downward with a minimal of bleeding. Can't wait for it to heal and play with. Won't need any bandages as bleeding has stop and what I am looking at makes me get hard as a rock. Horny, horny, horny.
Sept 18, 2020
Another interesting day as I have not done any sounding in awhile, so i got out the big set and started with the 15.5mm sound and worked up to the 18mm with no effort. With the ease of the those insertions I wondered what about trying the next size up of 18.5mm, but I new it would be painful so I used some Ultra Numb cream and was able to get it full to the prostrate today. It was tight but so fulfilling and pleasurable. Left in for about 15 minutes to start stretching for future. Will try again in a few days.
April 19, 2019
I have made another 1/2 cut down to piercing and have a feeling will cut more to a full subincision to scrotum in the future. Just thinking about it has given me one hard cock.
May 22, 2019
Well just finished making another cut on my subincision and cut another 3/8 of an inch with no bleeding at this time. Will post some new photos in next day or two. Can’t wait to see how this heals.
November 4, 2019
It’s been some time coming but this morning while playing with my sounds was able to get a 16.5mm sound fully inserted all the way to bladder, what a rush and intense feeling. Now will start working on long term insertion at this size and then try 17 and 17.5mm.
Dec 27, 2019
Well today was the right time to fully insert a 17 – 17.5 mm sound all the way to prostrate. Had to use a bit of numbing cream to accomplish the insertion but was worth the effort. Took a short videos of getting sound out and will post on profile. Just an awesome and pleasurable feat. Will do again in next few days to keep the urethra stretched out.
Dec 31, 2019
New Years Eve day, 5 am and worked for over an hour to slowly stretch urethra from 12mm to get the 17 -17.5mm inserted all the way again. Left inserted for about 1/2 hour then removed. Have to be honest and say it hurt like hell for about an hour after, but that’s part of the whole process to enlarge for bigger and larger sounds. Next want to work with 18 – 18.5 mm. Wish me good fortune and success.
Jan 4, 2020
Got up early this morning and had the urge to try the 17 – 17.5 mm sound again, started out with a 12 mm and slowly worked up to the 17 – 17.5 mm. Well got it in all the way with a bit of effort, but am more then pleased with ease of the insertion. Just wondering when I will try the next size bigger the 18 -18.5 mm in the set. The key to this increase in size is patience over time, with small size change and then let urethra become accustomed to expanding in girth.
Jan 31, 2020
Early this morning needed to do some sounding as had this underlying urge to get the 17 - 17.5 mm sound inserted again. Can tell you that each time I work up to the bigger sizes it gets easier and easier, I would suspect that maybe next week try and insert the 18 - 18.5 for first time. Need to go slow and not tear the urethra. I’ll keep all updated on success.
April 5, 2020
Well I was able to insert the 18mm about 3 inches the other day, it was a very tight fit and a bit painful. However that has been the process every time I try to go bigger. I'll give it some time and try again later this week. Sitting here typing this I am getting excited and just inserted a smaller sound to start to stretch, who knows maybe yet this morning will try again, wish me success.
April 6, 2020 6 pm
Some time ago (Last April) I mentioned that i was going to extend my Subincision and I have been toying with that idea for a few weeks now. Well today was that day and I have to say was very happy and excited that I was going to finally clamp my penis and cut further down the shaft. So at about 4 pm today got out all my tools and applied the hemostat to the area to be cut and slowly closed until fully notched into the third position. This was about a 1 inch section of urethra and left in place for an hour.and then removed clamp and area was very thin and translucent, so i took a very sharp pair of scissors and cut with very little bleeding. Now will wait until bleeding stops and admire this extension and the new nerves that are exposed. Will take pictures and post very soon as it heals and the final outcome.
April 9, 2020
It’s been 2 1/2 days now since I cut the urethra to extend subincision and must tell you that all is progressing very well. I posted 4 pictures the other day with 3 taken right after cutting which are a bit bloody and the other 12 hours later looking like it’s healing quite well. Today as I just observed the cut has no tell tale signs of any infection and looks very normal. Did some sounding very early this morning and inserted up to 16.5mm, would have gone bigger but came with a lot of cum. Can’t wait to do that again later today.
June 10, 2020
Let's see it's been about 2 months since I last added to my profile and this morning tried to increase size of sounds that I could get in. The extended subincision has healed up very nicely and want to extend again soon. But for sounding this morning started out with 12 mm and was able to get up fully inserted a 17.5mm sound. It took the better part of two hours to increase from 12 to 17.5, but am very happy and excited to keep getting bigger sounds in. One of these days the 18mm will finally go in. Am a bit sore, but that will go away shortly. What that old say; no pain, no gain!
July 31, 2020
Well today was the day I have been working towards for a least 3 years, finally was able to fully insert an 18mm sound all the way to prostrate. The feeling was intense and I know I will hurt for awhile but this means the next time will be a lot easier. Am adding pictures to verify insertion shortly. Not sure what I will do in the future as an 18mm is just short of 3/4 on an inch in diameter.
Sept 2, 2020
Couldn't sleep at around 1 am this morning so came downstairs and started sounding starting with a 15.5mm sound and working up to a 17.5mm. Had to use a bit of numbing cream as this was a quick and fast stretch and insert. Got thinking about my subincision and got out the hemostat and cutting scissors with intent to see if and what amount of pain I was going to have when I was crushing the urethra with hemostat. Was absolutely surprised when I was able on the first squeeze get jaws totally closed. Now there was no reason to back out of extending again my sub. Left in place until paper thin and cut with the scissors cutting about 1/2 inch downward with a minimal of bleeding. Can't wait for it to heal and play with. Won't need any bandages as bleeding has stop and what I am looking at makes me get hard as a rock. Horny, horny, horny.
Sept 18, 2020
Another interesting day as I have not done any sounding in awhile, so i got out the big set and started with the 15.5mm sound and worked up to the 18mm with no effort. With the ease of the those insertions I wondered what about trying the next size up of 18.5mm, but I new it would be painful so I used some Ultra Numb cream and was able to get it full to the prostrate today. It was tight but so fulfilling and pleasurable. Left in for about 15 minutes to start stretching for future. Will try again in a few days.

XL sounding

Strecther playing with sounds

Meatotomy Sounding

First time 37Fr.mp4

11.5 mm first time(part2).mp4

11.5 mm first time (part1).mp4

Stuffing with cum.mp4


deep to bladder mutiple.mp4

Meatotomy clamp cut.mp4
Friends 277



castrato udo.