Last seen 14 days ago
Porn Lover
4231 days on xHamster
6.8K profile views
135 subscribers
72 comments left
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About me
Longtime fan of wow content and smut, likes to hoard pictures for "self use" Sadly not very active on the in game front, rp/erp other than a quick fap with people.
I could be interested in cam to cam or trade me porn to see me fap, if we share something in common, so pop me a message if interested. Be weary that i don't have to much time to endulge you in the art of porn and stroking cock. And different time zones usually sum up to no activity.
I might come of as cold in conversations lately, mostly because i feel i dont have time to propperly communicate and nurture a new buddy or convosation partner.
Due to lack of recording device to produce quality tributes i put a stop to tributes for now with much sadness. This is a personal kink and really gets my mind going from the dreadful IRL. So i'm looking to solve this in the future when i can.
Until than happy fapping to all you glorious people out there who produce content that i so far selfishly enjoy ~~
I could be interested in cam to cam or trade me porn to see me fap, if we share something in common, so pop me a message if interested. Be weary that i don't have to much time to endulge you in the art of porn and stroking cock. And different time zones usually sum up to no activity.
I might come of as cold in conversations lately, mostly because i feel i dont have time to propperly communicate and nurture a new buddy or convosation partner.
Due to lack of recording device to produce quality tributes i put a stop to tributes for now with much sadness. This is a personal kink and really gets my mind going from the dreadful IRL. So i'm looking to solve this in the future when i can.
Until than happy fapping to all you glorious people out there who produce content that i so far selfishly enjoy ~~
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Hope you'll enjoy watching my videos~ ;3
I put it on my list of "To Do." Be patient tho, good things cum to those who wait