Strange Things ?

Anyone notice any strange occurrences around here ? Vanishing Profile Photos : I signed on this morning to find my profile photo gone. All that was there was an initial on a pastel background. Photo link: A short trip down to the “Friends” section of my page brought the discovery that my friends were now without “profile photos.” Image link: This phenomenon appeared to be transient. The profile photos would appear and disappear as one went from page to page o… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 1 year ago 8

Claire Castel : Flower Research

Claire Castel : Flower Research The following is a relation of how a video can begin a quest for information. A couple if bits information may seem incorrect and start a sleuthing process not quite worthy of Sherlock Holmes. First those bits, the Explicite-art “Fleur” videos: Initially, I thought that the actress tagged in the Explicite-art “Fleur” videos was not Claire Castel. She is said to only work for Dorcel, and her circum… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 4 years ago 12

Collecting Gray Squares ?

. Collecting Gray Squares? It would appear that I am in the running to win the Gray Square collecting race. My "Favorites" was bestowed with 59 of these gray trash cans today. Somehow, I doubt these trashcans are not an honor. If my Favorites were cattle, this would be called culling the herd. Personally, I call this collecting, "cow patties." Now I have become the trash collector removing all these cans from my Favorites. This begins to make me wonder if I should even use the "Favorite" button : 1.… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 4 years ago 2

Hamster's New Format May 2019

So the Hamster woke up this morning and decided to change its cage. What do yo think? Anyone notice quirks, weirdness in downloads, obfus**tion of uploader names, ... etc? Oh, how the Hamster wheel turns ....... S PS: Note in the screenshot above that a 4K download (2160p) now appears between 144p and 240p downloads. Code error?… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 5 years ago 3

Vintage : What Do You Miss?

What do you miss about vintage films? Phrased another way, every time you log on and see the newest batch of uploads, what is missing versus the films you preferred from the past? - A good original plot? - Great photography? - A full length film versus a segment? - Film versus video? - Suspense? - Acting ? - The acting personalities of the time? - Films with actual titles and film credits? - Movies filmed on a great location, i.e. not a basement, hotel room, or warehouse sound stage? or something else?… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 6 years ago 20

BSDM - Burdon, Shift, Discharge, & Megabytes

Behold a new form of pain. How in the world is it possible for the local servers to download two files from the same quality source at such different rates? Now the upload source is known to generate quality digital files. MP4 is a quality format. The download target is the same. The download target ISP is the same. So what in the infernal hades is this !!!!! 444 KB/sec is vastly different than 69.2 KB/sec !!!! As one who interfaces with computers on a regular basis, can I introduce some in the Hamster cage to a ne… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 7 years ago 6

Battle Of The FemBots

What a waste it is to spend the initial moments at a site deleting friend requests from FemBots ! So here is my observation of the day. Here is how I spot a FemBot: 1. The name on the request is obviously a computer generated name. 2. The picture is the same as the one belonging to my prior spam FemBot friend request. 3. The friend request follows another spam request with the same lame text. 4. The FemBot has friends who are FemBots and spammers. 5. Your circuits are unable to decipher human gender and preferences. 6. Y… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 7 years ago 10

Best Of The Retired

As it is the season of "retired," "deleted," and "closed" profiles, which one do you miss the most? Skeuomorph PS: This is my first post and should suffice to eliminate that nasty "Create your first post" message on my page. :)… Read more

Posted by Skeuomorph 7 years ago 16