I've met a new gentleman on here, he's a sweet man who is kind and looks out for my feelings is uplifting handsome in so many ways. I chat with him daily, he's sexually stimulating as well as emotionally supportive. I love the man for who and what he is, I know there is no chance of ever being able to meet him in person but want him to know he's special. To the rest who find this post stupid I'm sorry sometimes there's more than naked pics. Read more
A note to David
Really! I haven't been on for more than 10 seconds, sent you a pic. left you a message to say hi, every time I do go on your off line. Then you lash out at me? It's so sadĀ that you deleted my vids I was so proud of them. I downloaded them and play them often and think of you when I do. I'm sorry you misunderstand me so much. Love Aggie.Ā Read more
My Tributes
I love my tributes, They were done by a friend who I felt very close to, HE NO LONGER LOVES ME. makes me sad. Read more
profile pic.
Still looking for that one guy who's willing to shoot a little cum on my profile pic and post it. I know it's hard pardon the pun, but I would be willing to reward some how. You just let me know how. love. Read more
last night
headed to work had a good night sleep by my self AGAIN god this is getting old. Read more