User who is stalking my female friends This user is a guy who is stalking my female friends, for some reason he is convincing them to defriend and block me...That is a coward and shitty thing to do....millions of people on this site and he chooses to slam me... well it is what it is...guess I will see who my friends are or I will have none... hmmmmmm I hope that he feels good about himself doing this! Guess tricking women and lying to all of them works for him, and it is easy to hide behing the intranet..probably a meek man in real life! ** added 9/7/12 this coward has now HURT a lov… Read more

Posted by qknd 12 years ago 9

My Rant for Today 6/22/12

Today I was told that I would be blocked and not accepted for online friendship because I was friends with someone else... really?? are they shitting me?? How foolish and insecure is that bullshit? who is so important to me that they can decide who is an online friend to me? that is a HUGE ego I think, I dont need/nor want to be part of a GANG... Also, I am proud to be a reviewer on this site, I have fun and feel that I am helping to make it a better place..It irritates me when anyone, especially a fellow reviewer says hateful or disparaging remarks about Xhamster. If you are unhappy you… Read more

Posted by qknd 12 years ago 9