We never spoke of what happened all week about what happened in the garage but I did notice that my dad seemed to be in a particular good mood. That mood seemed to get even better when my Mum announced Friday Night that she was taking my lil sister into town the next day to spend the day shopping I'm sure you 2 will be alright taking care of each other while we are gone I saw a little smile come over my dads face as we finished up our supper The next day we said our goodbyes as my mum and sis drove off into town and dad asked if i was still willing to help him fix his car in the gara Read more
Garage Encounters
We had a garage way behind the house My dad would have me help him fix his truck by handing him tools and fetching beers from the fridge he kept there. It was very private from the main house and we could easily hear and see anyone approaching After a few beers Dad would need to take a piss and he would unzip his fly and pull out his huge cock and drain the lizard as he referred to it After taking his piss he would shake it a awhile and check my reaction as I would stare and was mesmerized by its size compared to mine. One day he caught me staring and asked if I wanted to hold it for Read more
Mum Was a Great Teacher
Mom Was a Great Teacher We were very close.I used to rub her back for her and pour her glasses of wine when we were alone. Back rubs became more intense and sensual and made my lil peen hard at a tender age. She would plan for our special alone time. At first she wore a heavy robe and soon just shear nightgown without bra or panties.She would drink 3-4 glasses of wine which loosened up her inhibitions. I Caught her fingers playing in her crotch.She didn't know I could see her playing with her Hairy Wet Cunt.I moved her hands away and took over for her using my little fingers on her Hair Read more