Ms. Zeitel was harassed again and again, so that this would not be so easy as today they went to crowded Zoo. Already in the ticket booth her fat tits were noticed by the clerk. "Oh Hello there" as he stared at her udders that barely fit in her red bra. That was pushed in her black buttoned shirt. She bought the tickets and went in. She did not notice that some of the boys stayed behind to talk to the ticket clerk. The day went without anything special happening. But without any warning Ms.Zeitel her her name " Ms.Zeitel .. Ms.Zeitel please urgently come!" She saw someone wave at her and run i Read more
Julia and "friends"
Julia was a prude and rude girl in high school. But as her parents were rich she was popular and loved by many. When she had her 18th birthday she called in the whole school except Marco, Christian and Johannes. It was a mistake she would never forget. Her party ended when the sun started to rise over her family ranch. she waved bye to the last quests and started heading back in her family mansion. When she was suddenly gagged and a hood was but on her head. Julia tried to fight back but to no luck as she was tightly held in place. Her arms were cuffed and so were her legs. She was able to ste Read more
Short story. Denise in the subway
Denise was riding the subway late at night to her friends party. She was wearing her black tight shirt and red bra that barely held her big tits, she but on long leather boots and a black cheap fake leather skirt that did not cover much of her huge ass. She was alone in the last carriage when the lights flickered and a group of men entered the wagon. She did not notice when the last man locked the door. They approached her. "Hey fat piggy, why are not with the other fatties?" asked one of the men, Denise shouted: "leave me alone you jerk". "A feisty fat pig" "good, these squeal more" he exclai Read more
Short Story. Sandra. Interracial and racial lingo.
Sandra was raised in an old German family with long lasting traditions. They embraced the white race and culture. Sandra was proud and pushed for white power. For her it was clear that she is the best and all the other races were beneath her. One night she was out with her friends to celebrate A.H. birthday. They drunk a lot of beer and Sandra fell a sleep on the table. When she awoke all her friends were gone and the bar was filled with big black guys. Her hate arose in her as she saw the white barkeep serve the black men. She yelled out "don't serve those Niggers, they are not worthy". The b Read more
Short story. Picnic with Julia.
Julia and her boyfriend had their first holiday together. He had never had sex with her before as she is a prude country girl, he hoped to get her drunk on the beach and take her virginity. They had a nice fire and a wine, they were sitting on a blanket and started kissing. But before he could get his hands on her fat tits a group of black men approached them. The firs guy whistled and yelled "hey bitch, what are you doing with that baby dick boy?" She blushed and her boyfriend just asked her "lets leave". But the black guys run to them, and pushed Julias BF to the ground. "you bitch boy shut Read more
Short Story. Anna and friends
Anna and her friends Jens and Michael went on a Corona party. it was the last day of the lockdown so they wanted to get as drunk as possible and make out as many people as possible. Anna had big fat tits but she always hated them as boys were always staring at them and girls were jealous of her fat udders. She thought that Jens and Michael are different as she never saw them stare. The boys were just very careful not to get caught. This was the night they would feel those fat tis in their hands and suck her fat big nipples. It did not take long for Anna to get drunk and she was already getting Read more
Short Story. Amanda`s faith.
Amanda is a lost girl who always hangs in the youth club: Newforce. The boss of the place Jakob has noticed her there as she had some fat hanging tits and she was not wearing a bra. Jacob called for a urgent meeting with the most important men in the club. Jens the overly obese DJ and Marcus the barkeep who for his age was already fat. "Now boys, as we know Amanda is coming to my club for a while now and it seems she does not have any close friends or family in town, so I have a proposal". "Marcus your job is to get her drunk and I am sure Jan already knows her favorite songs" "We will make he Read more
Short Story, New experience for Denise.
Denise was raised in a Catholics home where she was taught to cover her body from men`s eyes. At school she had a classmate who had enormously fat tits and she always displayed them to the utmost limit. One day even her areoles were visible and the skirts she wore did not cover much of her ass and once she even saw her pussy when she bowed down to the floor to grab her pencils. she would have reported to the teacher but she knew the teachers enjoyed it and she herself would get into trouble. So she let it slide. One day she confronted her classmate as she was again flashing her pussy and fat t Read more
Short Story Denise the vet student
As a vet school project Denise and her friends were visiting a stable near the city. She disliked big a****ls but as it was a big part of her schools grade she went. For her discomfort the stables had some studs in this day to collect sperm for their mares. The Studs were some sort of farm horses as they were higher and more muscular as the horse on the racing tracks her father had went. The farm hand called them closer to show haw the process works so they could try it later by themselves. It went faster than Denise expected as the horse filled the little receptacle within a few minutes. "Now Read more
Susans new life!
Susans new life! It was a normal Monday morning and Susan had her morning coffee. As the prude she was she had her long BJ on and bathrobe to cover her body fully. She was planning to go to the new market across town and to bible study in the afternoon. She left the house early as it was a long way to the market. To avoid traffic she took a de-tour trough the slums. She was deep in the ghetto when a flat tired stopped her mid-way. She stepped out of the car to check the damage, but before she could reach the broken tire a gang of black guys approached her. As the prude she was she thought t Read more