i love to go swimming at our swimming pool it had one long changing room very narrow very dark so i always went to the far end as i was only 14 at the time and love men to look at me this was the best place to slowly undressed to get naked before putting on my trunks making sure to all ways bend right over to put my trunks on well i have been noticing this one man some times 3 of them would be there naked just a open towel on them you see they,re hard cock out in front of them[ very nice] so big so beautiful cocks knowing each one was full and ready to explode so one day as i was stripping off Read more
My first bbc men
Now where do I start with this one from the beginning we have been talking on here for quite some time I never knew he was black because it never can up about one month he said that he really wanted to see me so I agreed he wanted me to dress as A schoolgirl everything had to be white stockings underwear and a bra and my school outfit and a wig and Makeup he want me to where a blindfold I agreed had to be setting on the bed and waiting for him had to leave the door unlocked so he can come in it must have been about 8 at night when I heard the door open I must admit I was quite nervous at that Read more
Friday night I will never forget it
So Friday night talking to this man on here he said he would like to come round Friday night I said no problem he said will I get dress up for him so not too disappointed I got dress up he turned up at 8:00 at night we was having a alcohol drink which was quite nice we were sitting on the sofa he kept kiss me which was quite nice he said to me do i smoke I replied yes I rolled my own he replied laughing he said no I mean cannabis i reply to that I have never touched it he said try one and that he started to roll me one which I smoked made me feel quite funny he got a drink out of his ba Read more
My first time
My first time some people would say **** but how can it be when you did not stop him it was my cousin used to stop that when I was in Cambridge had to sleep in the same bed as my cousin I think I was 11 years old when it first happened I was lying in bed with my pajamas on and my custom come to bed I knew he gets into bed naked about some time I felt he's hand on my leg so I just made out I was sleeping and his hands starting to get higher so still making out that I was asleep roll over on to my back his hands working between my legs and then he started to pull my pajamas down so I did not sto Read more