Last seen 7 months ago
Porn Expert
4195 days on xHamster
584.9K profile views
2.7K subscribers
259 comments left
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Hello Friends,
My lasted upload :
Search on the web those tittles :
A Cunt Humiliated OtO
The Number One Rule for a Slave OtO
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used #2 OtO
Birth of an Unexpected Dom OtO
Birth of an Unexpected Dom (part 2) OtO
Pain & Suffer in Stiletto (part 1) OtO
Pain & Suffer in Stiletto (part 2) OtO
How a SlaveGirl has to Get Ready for he Master OtO
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used #3 OtO[/i]
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used (part 1) #5 OtO
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used (part 2) #5 OtO
What a bad tittle for a movie :" 236 Days Deleted"
Today (13 th May) all my vid have been deleted.
I have send a massage to XH, and I hope that all my collection will be here again.
Here is the XH support :
Here is my homepage :
Today I saw that all my vid have been deleted (+/- 400 vid + 9 in the waiting box)
Maybe it's a mistake or is a question it of a bad operation.
It would be possible to you to intervene so that those video reappear and that the
people who like them
can again take advantage of it.
Thanking you in advance,
I am disappointed enough and the only thing which occurs me is this
monologue of the Cid de Pierre Corneille scène IV
(unfortunately I did not find English translation)
"ô rage ! ô désespoir ! ô vieillesse ennemie !
N'ai-je donc tant vécu que pour cette infamie ?
Et ne suis-je blanchi dans les travaux guerriers
Que pour voir en un jour flétrir tant de lauriers ?
Mon bras qu'avec respect toute l'Espagne admire,
Mon bras, qui tant de fois a sauvé cet empire,
Tant de fois affermi le trône de son roi,
Trahit donc ma querelle, et ne fait rien pour moi ?
ô cruel souvenir de ma gloire passée !
Oeuvre de tant de jours en un jour effacée !
Thank you all for your kind messages.
They comfort me and I do not feel alone.
At the moment I received a message of XH which tells me that my request
"has been received and registered under the number"...."
and a member of the staff will contact me" (I would imagine almost in front of the French administration)
I remain still optimistic.... a little...
I'll see tomorrow.
Today the 16th no news, nothing...I think I'm done.
Here is the XH's answer :
"Seems to have been big copyright issue and
you will no longer be able to upload content any further.
We hope that this reply has been sufficient for you.
If you have any further questions or feedback feel free to reply to this email.
xHamster Support Team"
I think that I am banished from this site. I still have some
videos to be shared I look for a new home site.
As soon as I shall have found a suitable I shall tell you where to see movies.
(BTW if you have sites to recommend me to send to PM)
I keep my (home)page to set of your news.
End of the story.
Interlude #1
Interlude #4
Interlude #5
Interlude #2
Interlude #3
My lasted upload :
Search on the web those tittles :
A Cunt Humiliated OtO
The Number One Rule for a Slave OtO
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used #2 OtO
Birth of an Unexpected Dom OtO
Birth of an Unexpected Dom (part 2) OtO
Pain & Suffer in Stiletto (part 1) OtO
Pain & Suffer in Stiletto (part 2) OtO
How a SlaveGirl has to Get Ready for he Master OtO
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used #3 OtO[/i]
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used (part 1) #5 OtO
Plug & Play Tied to Be Used (part 2) #5 OtO
What a bad tittle for a movie :" 236 Days Deleted"
Today (13 th May) all my vid have been deleted.
I have send a massage to XH, and I hope that all my collection will be here again.
Here is the XH support :
Here is my homepage :
Today I saw that all my vid have been deleted (+/- 400 vid + 9 in the waiting box)
Maybe it's a mistake or is a question it of a bad operation.
It would be possible to you to intervene so that those video reappear and that the
people who like them
can again take advantage of it.
Thanking you in advance,
I am disappointed enough and the only thing which occurs me is this
monologue of the Cid de Pierre Corneille scène IV
(unfortunately I did not find English translation)
"ô rage ! ô désespoir ! ô vieillesse ennemie !
N'ai-je donc tant vécu que pour cette infamie ?
Et ne suis-je blanchi dans les travaux guerriers
Que pour voir en un jour flétrir tant de lauriers ?
Mon bras qu'avec respect toute l'Espagne admire,
Mon bras, qui tant de fois a sauvé cet empire,
Tant de fois affermi le trône de son roi,
Trahit donc ma querelle, et ne fait rien pour moi ?
ô cruel souvenir de ma gloire passée !
Oeuvre de tant de jours en un jour effacée !
Thank you all for your kind messages.
They comfort me and I do not feel alone.
At the moment I received a message of XH which tells me that my request
"has been received and registered under the number"...."
and a member of the staff will contact me" (I would imagine almost in front of the French administration)
I remain still optimistic.... a little...
I'll see tomorrow.
Today the 16th no news, nothing...I think I'm done.
Here is the XH's answer :
"Seems to have been big copyright issue and
you will no longer be able to upload content any further.
We hope that this reply has been sufficient for you.
If you have any further questions or feedback feel free to reply to this email.
xHamster Support Team"
I think that I am banished from this site. I still have some
videos to be shared I look for a new home site.
As soon as I shall have found a suitable I shall tell you where to see movies.
(BTW if you have sites to recommend me to send to PM)
I keep my (home)page to set of your news.
End of the story.
Interlude #1
Interlude #4
Interlude #5
Interlude #2
Interlude #3

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Have I lived so much so that for this infamy?
And am I milled in the warriors work
What to see in one day as laurel wilt?
My arm with respect throughout Spain admires
My arm, which has so often saved this empire,
So many times strengthened the throne of his king,
Thus betrayed my quarrel, and does nothing for me?
O cruel remembrance of my former glory!
So many days of work in a day erased!
I can't live without your videos
was a great fan of your uploads
it was so so great... hit me like a truck
i loved all of your videos
I love your uploads