I was married for 14 years. I had a career but helped my husband set up his dream by working for free on days off and investing our money into his project initially. My husband met a woman who would become a business advisor for his new shop and the moment i saw her sat there i knew I was in trouble (or my marriage was), I just got a bad feeling in my stomach. She had a partner of several years and they lived together. They both became friends to me and my husband. My husband and her, had a stronger friendship though. After a year into the friendship I started to feel excluded, especially as m Read more
No Male Tongue Fetish ?
I love tongue play and always have, ive been looking at guys tongues. I did a search on the web for “male tongue fetish” and nothing shows up! It pulled a bunch of stuff up on female tongue fetishes (which i do also enjoy), but there as no guys with their tongues sticking out! I can’t be the only person out there that loves looking at a guy sticking his tongue out! Read more