Being Forced "Against My Will"

There are a lot of things, sexually oriented, about which I am very curious. That said, I relegate these things to my imagination. But perhaps if I were "forced" to do these things, they might be okay. I don't want to lick my cum from my hand... ...But if a beautiful woman made me do it? I don't want to be the only one naked in a room full of clothed people... ...But if a beautiful woman made me do it? I don't want to suck a cock... ...But if a beautiful woman made me do it? Feel free to substitute "beautiful trans woman" for "beautiful woman" in any of these. What about you? Does the… Read more

Posted by rickkink 3 years ago 29

sorority sisters

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Posted by hanover10 4 years ago

Furthest you have gone to meet someone?

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Posted by apieeater 1 year ago

need a blowjob, will swallow or take facial

I have worked up the courage and super horny to suck and devour a nice large cock and load at your place watching porn. Even better if you have a friend.… Read more

Posted by vanfapguy 3 years ago 26

Pleasing my man

I'm dripping his cum all over the place, making a mess on the bed. He just fucked me for close to an hour! I stand and it starts to run down my leg. He always cums huge. He is like a fire hose, love that about my boyfriend! He gets up off of me, sits on the edge of the bed, reaches up and takes my tiny soft penis in his hand. He reaches up from up under me, up between my legs in the back. He pulls my butt up and then pulls me up and to the front of him. He reaches down and works my panties, dangling at my ankles, pulls them up over my legs and butt. He adjusts the lace on the legs of them. "… Read more

Posted by lisa_monteir 1 year ago 5

Bottom Bunk Bitch

I had just finished making Rocco's bed when he walked into the cell. My feet were on my bed, on the bottom bunk, my rear sticking out, whilst I laid out his covers. "Morning bitch," he told me, slapping my ass cheeks. The slap stung. But I was becoming used to them. He took a seat on a chair and took his top off. "Brenda," he ordered, "it's time you gave me my morning massage." Brenda was my prison bitch name, a simple deviation of Brendan. I wasn't a massive fan of it but it was better than being called a bitch all the time. I climbed off the bunk and turned to face Rocco. He was sat do… Read more

Posted by lisa_monteir 1 year ago 2